1、He flinchedat the sight of the blood.(他一见到血就往后退。)
2、at the sight of the police officers, they ran off.(一看见那些警官,他们便逃跑了。)
3、She coweredat the sight of a snake.(她见到蛇就退缩不前。)
4、He stood aghastat the sight of so much blood.(他看见这么多血,吓得目瞪口呆。)
5、She loathedat the sight of greasy food.(她一看到油腻的食物就恶心。)
6、He blanchedat the sight of the mutilated corpse.(他看见那具残缺不全的尸体吓得脸色煞白。)
7、Some of the fans swoonedat the sight of their beloved stars.(一看到他们所钟爱的明星,有几个狂热的追星族便晕了过去。)
8、I have been known to faintat the sight of blood.(大家都知道,我看到血就会昏倒。)
9、at the sight of all these good things, the Marionette felt much better.(木偶看到这些好东西,觉得好多了。)
10、The crow ruffled its black feathersat the sight of the fox.(乌鸦看见狐狸吓得把黑羽毛竖立起来。)
11、Tom took offat the sight of trouble.(一看到要出麻烦汤姆就溜走了。)
12、Do plants wiltat the sight of you?(植物一看见你就枯萎了?)
13、at the sight of the food he started drooling.(他一看到那些食物便垂涎欲滴。)
14、Their terrorat the sight of uniforms was abject.(他们见到制服警察时的惊怖之情是让人绝望的。)
15、She fainted [swooned]at the sight of her own blood.(她一看到自己的血就晕过去了。)
16、Or on his own instinctive cries, like a gulp of surpriseat the sight of falling water or a yelp of effort caused by smashing a rock into a skull.(要么基于他自己本能的喊叫,像是看到降水时惊奇地吞咽口水的声音,或是把岩石敲进头骨,使劲叫喊的声音。)
17、No one faintedat the sight of the aircraft being trafficked onto the runway.(没有人因为看到飞机被贩运到跑道上而晕倒。)
18、His heart thumped with excitementat the sight of the girl.(看到那个姑娘,他的心兴奋得怦怦直跳。)
19、The Marionette asked her, worried nowat the sight of his growing nose.(木偶问她话,他看见自己的鼻子不断变长,心里担心且着急。)
20、She recoiled in horrorat the sight of an enormous spider.(看到一只巨大的蜘蛛,她吓得直退。)
21、My eyes poppedat the sight of the rich variety of food on show.(我瞪大眼睛看着各色各样的食物展品。) hAo86.com
22、He felt faintat the sight of blood.(他一见到血就发晕了。)
23、She jumpedat the sight of her own shadow.(她看到自己影子时还吓得跳了起来。)
24、I faintat the sight of blood.(我一看见血就晕。)
25、She fainted awayat the sight of her own blood.(她一见到自己的血就晕倒了过去。)
26、His heart liftedat the sight of her.(他一看见她心里就高兴起来了。)
27、She started a littleat the sight of the open window.(她看到开着的窗户,吓了一跳。)
28、The dog cringedat the sight of a snake.(那条狗看见了一条蛇便畏缩不前。)
29、He recoiled in horrorat the sight of the corpse.(他一见到尸体就吓得往后缩了。)
30、Diana felt happyat the sight of Justin Bieber, and she was eager to get his autograph.(戴安娜见到贾斯汀·比伯感到很高兴,她非常想要得到他的签名。)