1、You can withdraw money from the accountat any time without penalty.(您可以随时从账户中提款,不收罚金。)
2、Internet enables us to communicate with othersat any time, even though they are far away from us.(互联网能够让我们随时和别人进行交流,即使他们在很远的地方。)
3、Today's unified Germany is more prosperous and stable thanat any time in its long, troubled history.(如今,统一后的德国比其漫长而动荡的历史上的任何时候都更加繁荣和稳定。)
4、I was so depressed at that time that I would burst into tearsat any time.(我那段时间太压抑了,以至于任何时候都可能突然哭出来。)
5、You are welcome to visit the hospitalat any time.(你可随时来医院参观。)
6、Cash machines permit you to withdraw moneyat any time.(取款机可让你随时取款。)
7、A hair-trigger situation has been created which could lead to an outbreak of warat any time.(局势风云突变,战争一触即发。)
8、In some people's opinions, can the drones only be used by governmentsat any time?(有些人想,无人机在任何时候都只能被政府使用吗?)
9、The property is for rent with an option to buyat any time.(这房子供出租,但可随时买下。)
10、at any time I could run into rain, sleet, snow, or scorching heat.(任何时候我都可能会碰到下雨、下雨夹雪、下雪或是酷暑天。)
11、An active volcano may eruptat any time.(活火山会随时喷发。)
12、Imagine having your entire houses, garage, and yard inspectedat any time — with no warning.(想象一下在没有任何警告的情况下,你的整个房子、车库和院子随时要接受检查。)
13、The computer acts as a word processor where the text of a speech can be inputat any time.(计算机起着文字处理器的作用,一篇讲话的文本可随时输入。)
14、Surely anyone with marketing gumption should be able to sell good booksat any time of year.(任何有营销头脑的人无疑都应该能在一年中任何时候卖掉好书。)
15、Were youat any time aware of a quarrel between the two of them?(你什么时候注意到他俩拌过嘴吗?)
16、But in truth, people are healthier today thanat any time in history.(但事实上,今天的人们比历史上任何时候都更健康。)
17、You can discount itat any time, if you like.(如果您愿意,您可以在任何时候贴现。)
18、He thought thatat any time, the butterfly might spread its wings, shrink the body.(他认为,在任何时候,蝴蝶都可能展开翅膀,收缩自己的身体。) (hao86.com好工具)
19、Imagine having your entire houses, garage, and yard inspectedat any time.(想象一下你的整个房子,车库和院子随时都要受到检查。)
20、The volcano could eruptat any time.(这座火山随时可能爆发。)
21、You have to carry a pager so that they can call you inat any time.(你得带个传呼机,以便他们随时可以联系到你。)
22、Stars could be loaned out to other production companiesat any time.(明星可以随时被租借给其他电影制作公司。)
23、Conditions are still very tense and the fighting could escalateat any time.(形势依然很紧张,战斗随时可能升级。)
24、That leaves him free to stomp outat any time, or threaten another test, to get more of his way.(那使得他可以在任何时候随意退出,或者威胁进行另一次测试,以获得更多的自由。)
25、Peter has a sense of humour and is able to make people laughat any time.(彼得很有幽默感,能随时把人逗笑。)
26、The terrorists can strikeat any time without provocation.(恐怖分子可能无缘无故地随时袭击。)
27、These animals couldat any time break free from their ropes.(这些动物可以在任何时候从捆住他们的绳索中挣脱出来。)
28、You can buy malt sugar candyat any time.(你可以随时买到麦芽糖。)
29、It was clear that the elephants could,at any time, break away from their ropes but for some reason, they did not.(很明显,大象在任何时候都可以挣脱绳索,但出于某种原因,它们没有这样做。)