更新时间:2025-03-09 22:21:50
at most造句
- 1、He facesat most 12 years in prison and could be paroled after eight years.(他面临最多12年的监禁,可以在8年后获得假释。)
- 2、The landscape is flat, orat most gently rolling.(这里风景单调,大多都是延绵起伏的缓坡。)
- 3、This figure isat most an approximate average value.(这数字最多是个近似平均值。)
- 4、How much do adult grey squirrels weighat most?(成年灰松鼠的体重最多有多少?)
- 5、All memberships will have,at most, one primary member.(所有的成员权最多拥有一个主要成员。)
- 6、This book should be published in two monthsat most.(这本书最多两个月后就会出版的。)
- 7、Useat most four seconds for an operation.(一个操作最多四秒钟。)
- 8、This sack of potatoes weighs a hundred jinat most.(这袋土豆也就一百斤。)
- 9、The northbound lane should remain openat most times.(大部分时间北行方向的车道应该保持通畅。)
- 10、A study found that 85% of new fathers take some time off after the birth of a child—but for all but a few, it's a week or twoat most.(一项研究发现,85%初为人父的人在孩子出生后会休息一段时间——但对于大多数人来说,顶多一两个星期。)
- 11、From what I read, I know that starting from your childhood, you were always a smart boy, went to the best private schools, acceptedat most of the Ivy League colleges.(就我所读到的,我知道从你的童年开始,你就一直是个聪明的男孩,上了最好的私立学校,被常春藤联盟的大部分大学录取。)
- 12、Their aggression is, although cute in a way, thatat most they will try to snatch a sandwich from you at a picnic.(他们的攻击性,虽然在某种程度上很可爱,但他们最多只会在野餐时试图从你手中抢走一块三明治。)
- 13、Almost half use them once a yearat most.(有将近一半的人每年最多只乘坐一次列车。) (好工具hao86.com)
- 14、Each line should containat most one statement.(每一行最多只包含一条语句。)
- 15、Freshers' weekat most universities starts on Monday.(大多数高校的迎新周始于周一。)
- 16、Instead they may involve,at most, a little arithmetic, such as "the sum of two odd numbers is even", and common sense.(相反,它们最多可能涉及一点算术,比如“两个奇数之和为偶数”,以及常识。)
- 17、There wereat most twenty people in the classroom.(教室里最多不过20人。)
- 18、Pines can grow to 60 feet tallat most.(松树最多能长到60英尺高。)
- 19、I do it for maybe an hourat most.(我或许在沙滩上最多呆一个钟头。)
- 20、We need 100 tons of cementat most for this project.(这个项目我们最多需要100吨水泥。)
- 21、The thinking in each chapter usesat most only elementary arithmetic, and sometimes not even that.(每一章的思考最多只使用了初级算术,有时甚至不需要用。)
- 22、Therefore, you can createat most 2,028 threads.(因此,您最多可以创建2,028个线程。)
- 23、I'm only a green handat most.(最多我也只算是个新手。)
- 24、They see each other once a monthat most.(姐妹俩顶多隔一个月才见一次面。)
- 25、Each player was given 5-pound foodat most.(每个选手分配到不超过5磅的食物。)
- 26、Use colors sparingly; two to threeat most.(少用颜色;最多2到3种。)
- 27、At this stage, you choseat most three to five services.(在这个阶段,最多选择三到五个服务。)
- 28、As a news item it merits a short paragraphat most.(作为一则新闻,它至多只能占一小段。)
- 29、A moon cake costs only two or three Yuanat most.(一个月饼的成本最多只需要两元或者三元。)
at most
英 [æt məust] 美 [æt most]
至多; 不超过