更新时间:2025-01-05 21:35:45
trail along造句
- 1、The trip included housing, Spanish lessons and a trek along the Inca Trail.(这次旅行包括家务活,西班牙语教程还有一个沿着印加古道的徒步旅行。)
- 2、The village high up in the mountains of Zhangjiajie lies along the tourist trail.(村子坐落于张家界高高的山上,就在旅游路线的边上。)
- 3、The Cabot Trail, a world-famous scenic highway, runs along parts of the coastal borders on both sides of the park and crosses the highlands.(世界著名的景区公路-卡博特之路(CabotTrail)沿着公园两侧沿海边界的部分地区穿越高原。)
- 4、The debris trail that joins them, along with NGC 5218's comma-shaped extension and the distorted arms of NGC 5216, are a consequence of mutual gravitational tides.(连接它们的余迹,沿着NGC5218逗号形状延伸至NGC5216扭曲的旋臂,是引潮力互相作用的结果。)
- 5、I was hiking along a trail in the Silver Falls State Park in Oregon with my soon to be boyfriend and as we rounded a curve, a breathtaking vista complete with a roaring waterfall came into view.(我和不久之后将会成为我的男朋友的人一起在俄勒冈州的银色瀑布州立公园远足,当我们走过一片峭壁,让人呼吸几乎凝结的美景跃然出现在我们眼前,飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天。)
- 6、Thousands of people go on pilgrimage along the Inca Trail every year to witness the mountaintop ruins hidden in mists.(每年,数以万计的人沿着印加古道朝拜,见证掩映在薄雾中的山顶的废墟。)
- 7、A valley below the falls has many photo ops, atrail along its southwest side overlooks the Gooseberry River, and at the end of the valley, you reach Lake Superior.(瀑布下的山谷中有很多摄影点,站在其中一点极目西南侧,俯瞰古兹·伯里河径流出谷,直抵苏必利尔湖。)
- 8、"You can imagine similar kinds of interactive activities along historical lines, like following the Freedom Trail in Boston," Professor Dede said.(“你可以想象类似的互动活动沿着历史的轨迹进行,比如追随波士顿的自由之路。”Dede教授说。)
- 9、To me, a walk or run along the river trail is serenity at the end of a hectic day.(对我来说,沿着河边散布或跑步,在这狂热的一天结束时就显得异常平静。)
- 10、Take foraging as an example. Whenever an ant finds food and carries it back to the nest, that ant leaves a chemical trail (pheromones) along the way.(以觅食为例,一只蚂蚁发现食物并将其搬回蚁穴,蚂蚁会一路留下化学物质作为跟踪标记。) (好工具hao86.com)
- 11、I knew every game trail in the thick cane-brakes, and every animal track that was pressed in the mud along the riverbanks.(我知道浓密丛林里的每一条兽道,认识河岸边的泥地里每一种动物的足迹。)
- 12、The world is complicated -- and our dynamic digital fossilstrail along behind us, exposing us in new ways.(世界是复杂的,我们在数字时代里留在身后的遗迹正以新的方式将我们暴露于人前。)
- 13、A few days later, at twilight, the same boy appeared again, picking up thetrail along the Tigris.(几天之后,一个黄昏,那个男孩又出现了,在底格里斯河的小径上跟上来和我一起跑。)
- 14、The couple flew to Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea's capital, and set off on a 60-mile hike along the Kokoda Trail, in the south-east of the country.(这对情侣便飞往巴布亚新几内亚的首都莫尔兹比港,开始沿该国东南部著名景点科科达小径60英里的徒步旅行。)
- 15、At Hilders, the R3 becomes the Iron Curtain Trail, and we veered north and followed it along the former border.(在赫尔德斯,R3自行车道变成了铁幕小道,我们转向北面,沿着曾经的边界骑行。)
- 16、The Iraqi boy, who was perhaps 9 years old, kept running the two and a half miles to the Jumhuriya Bridge, and as I turned to run back on atrail along the Tigris, he dropped off to wave goodbye.(接着我转过身,沿着底格里斯河旁的一条小径往回跑。他停下来,挥手告别。)
- 17、Scrapes are usually placed in open or conspicuous places, such as along a deer trail.(雄鹿窝通常留在开阔或显眼的地方,如鹿常走的小径边。)
- 18、Green dye shows the trail of water that a jellyfish pulls along as it swims.(绿色染料显示了水母在水中游泳时水的踪迹。)
- 19、Paddle through parts of the 300-mile Scottish Sea Kayak Trail, along the sparsely populated western coast, with Wilderness Scotland.(随着荒野苏格兰旅行社,在苏格兰沿着地广人稀的西海岸,划桨通过300英里的海上小艇航线的一部分。)
- 20、We had just cycled a strenuous mile uphill above the medieval village of Geisa, along the Iron Curtain Trail that follows the old Warsaw Pact-NATO divide in central Germany.(我们刚从中世纪的村庄盖萨(Geisa)沿着“铁幕小道”费力骑了一英里的上坡路,这条位于德国中部的小道正是原华约组织和北约组织属地的分界线。)
- 21、For lunch, in addition to sandwiches from home, we bought tea eggs from an snack vendor along the trail.(午餐的时候,除了吃从家里带的三明治之外,我还吃了些从路途中的一个小吃卖主手中买的茶叶蛋。)
- 22、The fresh air along a birding trail can be invigorating, while the companionship of backyard birds can brighten any dreary day.(走在观鸟步道上呼吸着新鲜空气会让人感到精神充沛,而只要后院中有小鸟的陪伴,再沉闷的一天也会充满乐趣。)
- 23、The railway involves a natural monopoly: the only other way of getting to the ruins is a four-day hike along the Inca Trail.(这条铁路与自然垄断有关︰其他到达马丘比丘遗址的唯一方式,就是沿着印加小径徒步旅行四天。)
- 24、It does mean that once you find the trail of your magnum opus, your great work, you have to follow it, even if that means passing up other good causes along the way.(一旦您找到巨著的线索,即使在这条路上会错过其他的美丽的风景,您也必须坚持下去。)
- 25、In these cases, information-system usability is directly influenced by a user's ability to track along a search trail.(在这些情况下,用户沿搜索线索跟踪的能力会直接影响到信息系统的可用性。)
- 26、To kick off, the infamous Ho Chi Minh Trail has been upgraded into a major highway that runs along the spine of the country and offers some sublime scenery.(当年臭名昭著的胡志明小道已经改建成了沿着越南脊椎走向的交通要道,一路上景色壮丽。)
- 27、The two hunters wheel around and ride into the woods along a game trail.(着两个猎人骑着马绕了几圈然后相互追逐着奔进丛林。)