1、Concourse of elevated station in railtransit line is a passenger transfer center, the architecture design of which shall harmonize with surrounding environment.(轨道交通高架车站的站厅是客流集散的枢纽,站厅的形式应结合车站环境因地制宜地采用多种形式。)
2、In respect to the interaction between pantographs and catenaries of the straddle-type monorail system of Chongqing urban railtransit line 2, there occurred the uneven wear of collector slide.(重庆轨道交通2号线跨座式单轨交通系统在弓网配合方面出现集电器滑块磨耗不均匀问题,分析其形成的原因,提出接触网拉出值改造方法,并讨论改造后的效果。)
3、Build convenient and fast urban transportation network, focusing on Nanping transportation hub, Sigongli interchange hub as well as Railtransit line 3.(以南坪交通枢纽、四公里换乘枢纽、轻轨3号线工程建设为重点,构建方便快捷的城市快速交通网络。)
4、Noise impact post-evaluation of rail transit Pearl Line in Shanghai has been accomplished through field monitoring and public participation.(采用现场监测和公众参与相结合的方法对上海市轨道交通明珠线噪声影响开展了后评价。)
5、As elevated urban railtransit line is a component of urban traffic, the safety of its operations is extremely important.(城市轨道交通既有高架线路作为城市交通的重要组成部分,其运营的安全性极为重要。)
6、The Qiaokoulu depot in the first stage of Wuhan railtransit line 1 is the first elevated depot of urban rail transit in China.(武汉市轨道交通1号线一期工程的硚口路车场及综合维修基地是我国目前城市轨道交通车场设计中首次采用的高架车场。)
7、When you see a planet by a transit, the orbit has to be in your line of sight.(当你通过经纬仪看到行星,其轨道应该在你的视线中。)
8、Firstly the bus stop that limited the bustransit line capacity is studied.(首先对制约城市公交线路通行能力的公交车站进行研究。)
9、The realization scheme of digital dispatch system in the first stage of Wuhan railtransit line 1 is introduced, and its function is described in detail.(主要介绍数字调度系统在武汉轨道交通1号线一期线路中的实现方案,并就其功能实现做了较详细的说明。)
10、The first urban viaduct rail transit, the Mingzhu Line, has been constructed and put into operation in Shanghai, China.(我国第一条城市高架轨道交通线路-明珠线已在上海建成并投入运行。)
11、At last, with the introduction of Guangzhou bus rapid transit system operating practice, the optimization of bus rapidtransit line layout method is put into practice.(最后,通过介绍广州市快速公交系统的运营实践,对快速公交专用道线路优化布设方法进行实例分析。)
12、Urban rail transit viaduct line is an important part of the urban railtransit lines, which plays an important role in comprehensive operation of the urban rail transit.(城市轨道交通高架线作为城市轨道交通线路的重要部分,在综合化的城市交通中发挥着重要的作用。)
13、Finally, this paper studies the problem of the selection of overtaking station and the proportion of train interval by computor simulation of train graph making on Shanghai urban railtransit line.(并以上海某市域快速轨道交通线为例,通过计算机仿真铺画列车运行图的方法,对开行快慢车后越行地点的选择以及列车始发的均衡性问题进行了分析研究。) Hao86.com
14、The engineering characteristics, drainage design, layout of wastewater pump stations and equipment control of Guangzhou railtransit line 3 are introduced.(介绍广州市轨道交通3号线的工程特点及全线区间排水设计、废水泵站的设置及设备控制等情况。)
15、This cargotransit line opened for Latin American exports in Shenzhen to provide a efficient logistics channel.(这条货运中转线的开辟,为深圳产品出口拉美提供了一条快捷的物流通道。)
16、The construction of urban rail transit has important driving effects on the land use evolvement along the urban railtransit line (URTL).(城市轨道交通建设对沿线土地利用演化产生重要的驱动作用。)
17、Only 14 days between. Need to upload identity documents can be transported. Value added services are very few. Australiatransit line is not.(间只有14天。需要上传身份证件才可转运。增值服务很少。澳洲转运专线不是。)
18、Conventional public transit network adjustment problem with rail transit as the core has been studied from three aspects, which are bus station, bus line and publictransit line network.(从公交站点,公交线路及公交线网三方面研究了以轨道交通为核心的常规公交线网的布局调整问题。)
19、Thetransit line is an integral transportation link for the 2010 Winter Olympics.(该隧道是温哥华为2010年冬季奥运会打造的一条完整地下线路。)
20、The calculation of the operational reliability is applied to Shanghai Railtransit line 1, Line 2 and Line 3.(应用该方法计算了上海轨道交通1、2、3号线的可靠性指标。)
21、The interval shield tunnel of Urbantransit line 11 in Shanghai is situated closely under the group piles of the National Key Laboratory for Ocean Engineering of Shanghai Jiaotong University.(拟建的上海市轨道交通11号线区间盾构隧道近距离下穿交大海洋重点工程实验室群桩基础。)
22、Welcome to take railtransit line No. 5.(乘客您好,欢迎乘坐轨道交通5号线。)
23、Multiple transit stations are proposed along the M15 subway line, which ends at the International Airport.(沿地铁M15号线(终点首都国际机场),设立多个交通乘换点。)
24、This paper introduces the integration of UPS and intelligent time distribution technique of weak current systems in rail transit and its application in Shenzhen Metro Line 3 .(提出了城市轨道交通采用弱电系统后备电源整合与智能化计时配电管理的设计理念,并在深圳地铁3号线中应用。)
25、Additionally, new mass transit projects, like the one that will link Port Moody and Coquitlam to Vancouver via the Evergreen Line (expected to be complete by 2015), are giving the market a boost.(同时,大量新兴的交通工程,例如将穆迪港和高桂林通过长青线与温哥华连接起来的那项(预期2015年完工),给市场带来了很大推动力。)
26、The AFC system of Dalian rapid railtransit line 3 is the first of its kind independently developed by China itself, which employs contactless IC card as the carrier of tickets.(摘要大连快轨交通3号线AFC系统是国内第一个自主研发并投入运行,完全以非接触式ic卡为车票载体(单程票用薄卡型)的自动售检票系统。)
27、Siemens has been awarded the contracts of supplying signalling systems, train control and propulsion system for Guang-Fo line, China's first intercity masstransit line.(西门子已得到合同,为中国首条城际地铁线路——广佛线提供信号系统,列车控制及牵引系统。)