
up to scratch造句

up to scratch造句

更新时间:2024-08-27 23:17:42


up to scratch造句

  • 1、Of course, your credit record, within you field of trade needs to beup to scratch.(当然,您的信用记录,在您的经营领域里,必须要达到一定的水平。)
  • 2、Only when Intel's Wi-Fi chip cameup to scratch did laptop-makers opt for the whole Centrino package.(只是当英特尔的WiFi芯片达到满意的性能时,膝上型电脑制造商们才开始选择整个迅驰套装。)
  • 3、If a ca issued certificates for simple, single words such as "mail" or "Web," it would indicate their checking procedure isn'tup to scratch because these are not real Internet addresses.(如果一个CA颁发的简单,用简单的词,如“邮件”或证书“网页,”这将表明他们的检查程序没有达到标准,因为这些都不是真正的互联网地址。)
  • 4、Being host does bring a bigger advantage for the more physical events but China is notup to scratch in those.(成为主办国,确实会给体能要求较高的项目提供更大的优势,但那些并不是中国的强项。)
  • 5、Douglas: Harvey and Victoria will bring usup to scratch on what they know about Lian and Lok Lee.(道格拉斯:哈维和维多利亚会向各位介绍他们所了解到的有关对丽安和洛克的情况。)
  • 6、My mother always made me feel I wasn't comingup to scratch.(母亲总是使我觉得自己不够优秀。)
  • 7、Furthermore, most agreed that their own handwriting was notup to scratch and that decent handwriting was essential for a successful educational career and beyond.(此外,大局部人都赞同本人写的字不过关,像样的书法教育事业成功的必要条件和逾越。)
  • 8、The boss asked me to speak to you. He's worried because your work hasn't beenup to scratch recently.(老板叫我告诉你说,你最近的工作达不到要求,这使他非常着急。)
  • 9、But the stunned ace got no further than Passport Control because his documents did not comeup to scratch.(但是震惊很快便从护照检查处传来,因为他的证件居然尚未解决。)
  • 10、It'll take months to bring the bandup to scratch.(得几个月工夫才能使乐队像个样子。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 11、The couple told the housing officials that the three-bedroom flat simply was notup to scratch for their needs.(这对夫妇告诉管理住房的官员们这套三居室的套房根本没有达到他们的要求。)
  • 12、Helen missed yesterday's meeting. Will you bring herup to scratch on the Bank Project?(海伦缺席了昨天的会议,你能否向她介绍一下银行项目的事情?)
  • 13、If your work isn'tup to scratch, or up to the expected standards, when you turn it in, it will certainly be a much bigger embarrassment.(如果你的工作并未达到标准,或达到期望标准,是由于你的误解,当然就感到非常的尴尬了。)
  • 14、Each buyer will have to prove they can bring the houseup to scratch using "construction skills" before they can own the property.(每位买主必须在购买前证明自己“有能力”翻修这些老房子,使之达到合格标准。)
  • 15、We'll have to bring the houseup to scratch before we sell it.(我们得把这所房子维修一下再出售。)
  • 16、His work simply isn'tup to scratch.(他的工作根本达不到要求。)
  • 17、"We have the technology," says an insider. "But the lesson of the 787 is that we could not get the productionup to scratch in time."(一位波音公司的内部人士表示:“我们有技术,但787客机的教训在于我们不能及时生产出令人满意的产品。”)
  • 18、Most women will agonise over making sure their CV isup to scratch - but the secret to securing a job interview may be as simple as wearing a low-cut dress, a study found.(大多数女性会烦恼如何确保自己的简历达到标准。而一项研究发现,获得面试机会的秘诀可能很简单,只要穿上低胸装就好。)
  • 19、Then in April Mr Rudd dropped a second bombshell by announcing that none of the bids, including that from Telstra's main rival, SingTel Optus [2], wasup to scratch.(然后在4月份,陆克文抛出了第二枚炸弹,宣布包括来自澳州电信的主要竞争对手SingTel(Optus)的所有投标,没有一个达到标准。)
  • 20、Some of the world's leading medical journals are trying to drive up standards in the reporting of clinical trials as a new analysis shows they are still notup to scratch.(世界上一些顶尖的医学期刊试图提高临床试验报告的标准,因为最新的一个分析显示这些报告仍然低于可接受水平。)
  • 21、The local dancing troupe has improved this year, but it is still notup to scratch.(本地的舞蹈团今年进步了很多,不过还是不够好。)
  • 22、So the quest is under way for the refinements and improvements that will bring lithium-ion batteriesup to scratch—and lead to their presence in millions of cars.(因此对电池的精制和改良的探索还在继续,使得锂离子电池达到应用标准——最终目标是出现在数以百万计的汽车内。)
  • 23、That tells me that either their software is notup to scratch or something funny is going on.(这只能说不是他们的软件不达标,就是出了怪事。)
  • 24、There's one way of making sure your hostel isup to scratch - and that's by doing the chores yourself.(有一种方式可以确保你住宿的房间符合要求这就是亲自做家务。)

up to scratch基本释义

up to scratch

英 [ʌp tu: skrætʃ] 美 [ʌp tu skrætʃ] 
达到标准; 合格; 处于良好状态