


更新时间:2024-08-27 23:18:06



  • 1、Have mercy on me, o God, according to yourunfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions.(神阿、求你按你的慈爱怜恤我、按你丰盛的慈悲涂抹我的过犯。)
  • 2、The Lord loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of hisunfailing love.(他喜爱仁义公平。遍地满了耶和华的慈爱。)
  • 3、Is yourunfailing availability makes you procrastinating, makes you feel like a martyr?(你的老好人态度有没有把你变得拖拖拉拉,让你觉得自己像个殉道者?)
  • 4、7for the king trusts in the Lord; through theunfailing love of the Most High he will not be shaken.(王依靠耶和华,因至高者的慈爱必不摇动。)
  • 5、Let them give thanks to the Lord for hisunfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men.(但愿人因耶和华的慈爱,和他向人所行的奇事都称赞他。)
  • 6、Let your face shine on your servant; save me in yourunfailing love.(求你使你的脸光照仆人,凭你的慈爱拯救我。)
  • 7、In yourunfailing love, silence my enemies; destroy all my foes, for I am your servant.(凭你的慈爱剪除我的仇敌,灭绝一切苦待我的人,因我是你的仆人。)
  • 8、But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God'sunfailing love for ever and ever.(至于我,就像神殿中的青橄榄树。我永永远远倚靠神的慈爱。)
  • 9、Many are the woes of the wicked, but the Lord 'sunfailing love surrounds the man who trusts in him.(恶人必多受苦楚。惟独倚靠耶和华的,必有慈爱四面环绕他。)
  • 10、We can only deeply regret this unfortunate misunderstanding, and assure you of ourunfailing regard.(对此不幸误会,同仁等深以为憾,谨对先生再申敬佩之忱,并致谢意。)
  • 11、Rise up and help us; redeem us because of yourunfailing love.(求你起来帮助我们,凭你的慈爱救赎我们。)
  • 12、He sincerely repents and pleads that God will continue to show mercy according to hisunfailing love.(他诚恳地悔罪,请求神按其永不止息的慈爱继续怜恤他。)
  • 13、O Israel, put your hope in the Lord , for with the Lord isunfailing love and with him is full redemption.(以色列阿,你当仰望耶和华。因他有慈爱,有丰盛的救恩。)
  • 14、She fought the disease withunfailing good humour.(她始终抱乐观态度同疾病斗争。)
  • 15、Turn, O Lord , and deliver me; save me because of yourunfailing love.(耶和华阿,求你转回,搭救我。因你的慈爱拯救我。)
  • 16、Commit your marriage to God, placing all your hope in Him and trusting in Hisunfailing love.(把你的婚姻交给神,把你所有的希望都放在他那里,相信他的永远不变的爱。)
  • 17、The sovereign, he said, was an "unfailing rock" who would not be deterred by the "idle chatter" of critics.(国家,君主说,是一块“永恒基石”,它不会为“夸夸其谈”的批评者们吓倒。)
  • 18、50he gives his king great victories; he showsunfailing kindness to his anointed, to David and his descendants forever.(耶和华赐极大的救恩给他所立的王,施慈爱给他的受膏者,就是给大卫和他的后裔,直到永远。)
  • 19、The pain of discipline will grant you your desires, while the pain of regret will only grant you moreunfailing regret.(纪律约束的痛苦会担保你会得到你想得到的结果,而悔恨的痛苦只会保证你得到更多的、源源不断的悔恨。)
  • 20、Everyone admired her patience andunfailing good humour.(人人都佩服她的耐心和永不衰减的好脾气。)
  • 21、He had theunfailing care and support of Erica, his wife.(他对他妻子,埃丽卡,从不改变的关爱和支持。)
  • 22、A few verses later, the same distressed David is declaring, "But I trust in yourunfailing love" (v. 5).(一些诗句之后,同样痛苦的大卫宣告到,“但我依靠你的慈爱”(v.5)。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 23、Being always available is anunfailing recipe for stress, illness, and bad decision making.(休息是减轻压力、减少疾病和不良决策的一种可靠的方法。)
  • 24、But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in hisunfailing love.(耶和华的眼目,看顾敬畏他的人,和仰望他慈爱的人。)
  • 25、Remember your compassion, O Lord, yourunfailing love from of old.(上主,求你忆及你的仁慈和恩爱,因为它们由亘古以来就常存在。)
  • 26、For me that is itsunfailing charm.(对我来说,这是它的坚定的魅力。)



英 [ʌnˈfeɪlɪŋ] 美 [ʌnˈfelɪŋ] 
副词: unfailingly 名词: unfailingness
