
waste away造句

waste away造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 21:38:21


waste away造句

  • 1、You will not mourn or weep but willwaste away because of your SINS and groan among yourselves.(不可悲哀哭泣。你们必因自己的罪孽相对叹息,渐渐消灭。)
  • 2、To my mind, the reports talk too much about the carbon dioxide produced by the trucks that deliver the fresh goods to the shops and take thewaste away.(在我看来,这些报告过多地谈论了卡车产生的二氧化碳,而这些卡车把新鲜的货物运送到商店,然后把垃圾运走。)
  • 3、The objective will be to divert allwaste away from landfill during the Games.(所有的废弃物都不运去垃圾场填埋,这就是奥运会期间的目标。)
  • 4、The toilet has an automatic flush that washes itswaste away twice a day.(该厕所会自动冲洗,一天会冲洗两次脏污。)
  • 5、You would think that retailers would be all too happy to see consumers let the CARDSwaste away on cork boards and fridges nationwide.(你可能认为零售商都不希望看到消费者把他们的消费卡遗忘在了厨房砧板和冰箱上。)
  • 6、Make good use of every second: please start a self-promise from today on, do notwaste away precious time and contribute ur inner efforts on things that mean much to u .(善用分分秒秒:请从今天开始自我约定,不要虚掷宝贵的时间,把心力集中在对自己很重要的事情上。)
  • 7、The wicked man will see and be vexed, he will gnash his teeth andwaste away; the longings of the wicked will come to nothing.(恶人看见此情此景必然满腔妒恨咬牙切齿地消逝;恶人的盼望定必幻灭。)
  • 8、We can stop people from throwingwaste away everywhere .(我们应该阻止人们把垃圾随处乱扔。)
  • 9、Instead of flushing, they work like a vacuum cleaner sucking away the astronaut's waste.(不是冲洗,而是像真空吸尘器一样吸走宇航员的排泄物。)
  • 10、Form not on I'm not going towaste away in front of the television. I've decided to do something meaningful.(从现在开始我不再把时间浪费在看电视上了,我决定要做些有意义的事。)
  • 11、To decline in health or vigor;waste away.(衰弱,消瘦在健康或精力方面衰退;变得衰弱。)
  • 12、How many hours will wewaste away in front of the boob tube?(你有多少时间是浪费在电视机前?)
  • 13、When throwing away rubbish, people have to separate their food waste from their other rubbish and put it in a bin.(当扔垃圾时,人们必须把他们的食物垃圾和他们的其他垃圾分开,并把垃圾扔在垃圾箱里。)
  • 14、Based on just can'twaste away.(是以区区不能废远。)
  • 15、It's a wasteful to throw reusablewaste away.(扔掉可回收的废物是很浪费的。)
  • 16、Theywaste away their time and talents day dreaming of what could be instead of living the life they want.(他们浪费了时间和天赋,做着想要的生活的白日梦。)
  • 17、The current ISS toilet suckswaste away like a vacuum cleaner.(目前的国际空间站马桶像吸尘器那样将粪便吸走。)
  • 18、It seems such a waste to throw good food away.(把好的食物扔掉似乎太浪费了。)
  • 19、Excessive Internet use may cause parts of teenagers' brains towaste away, a study reveals.(一项研究显示,青少年过度使用互联网可能会损害部分大脑功能。)
  • 20、Those killed by the sword are better off than those who die of famine; racked with hunger, theywaste away for lack of food from the field.(饿死的、不如被刀杀的、因为这是缺了田间的土产、就身体衰弱、渐渐消灭。)
  • 21、Looking further still into the future he foretells that our bodies willwaste away as machines do everything for us.(对于更远的未来,他预言我们的身体讲毫无用处,因为机器可以完成一切的事情。)
  • 22、He will kill your spirit, and your body willwaste away after you.(他会杀死你的灵魂,你的身躯也将随之消毁。)
  • 23、Persons dying from cancer grow thin and visiblywaste away.(身患癌症濒临死亡的人会变得消瘦,并明显地衰弱下去。)
  • 24、Better yet, once the saw blade has stopped, use a piece of scrap or a push stick to move thewaste away from the blade.(更安全的方法是,在电锯停转后,用一根棍子或一块废铁去清理刀片旁的碎屑。)
  • 25、I want to learn new things, not allow my mind towaste away.(我想学习新事物,不能让我的脑海浪费了。)

waste away基本释义

waste away

英 [weist əˈwei] 美 [west əˈwe] 

