1、The Christmas Lights illusion, byvisual illusion artist Gianni a. Sarcone, is also based on Leviant's Enigma.(圣诞节灯光错觉,来自幻视艺术家吉安尼•a•萨尔孔。这也是一幅基于勒维安特·英格玛错觉的作品。)
2、The Enigma illusion, almost three decades after its creation in 1981 by Leviant, continues to inspire visual science as well the visual arts.(1981年,差不多三十年前勒维安特创造出的英格玛错觉,至今仍然为视觉科学和视觉艺术提供着灵感。)
3、Are you sure it is not yourvisual illusion?(你能肯定这不是你的视错觉吗?)
4、The one like you see on the picture above can visually take you away from your room as well as create avisual illusion of additional space.(上图里的那种图画可以从视觉上把你的视线从房间转移开,同时也能制造出一种空间增大的错觉。)
5、They are avisual illusion!(它们是视觉上的幻象。)
6、We examine the relationship between culture andvisual illusion issue in this study from a cross-culture perspective.(本文从跨文化的角度出发,研究了不同文化背景中错觉的特点。)
7、By the light, we see something differently, so there is avisual illusion of the object.(有光我们就会看到一些不同的东西,所以物体有一种视觉错觉。)
8、I can't give you longer legs, but I can give you thevisual illusion of longer legs.(我不能给你长腿,但我可以给你长腿的视觉幻想。)
9、This is a hauntingly beautiful rendition of a visual pun - allusion meets illusion.(这是一个视觉上的双关,利用典故和错觉,美的慑人心魄。)
10、And the relationship between specialvisual illusion and visual transmission was studied based on the visual identity, design condition and design principle.(再从视觉特性,设计条件,设计原则三方面深入探讨视角指定错视与视觉传达设计之间的关系。)
11、But what is different fromvisual illusion is that the cognition illusion is not caused by sense organ essentially.(然而,与视错觉不同的是,认知错觉从本质上来说并非由感官造成的。)
12、Thevisual illusion that blurs the perceptual boundary between the folly and the site, allows the folly to be disappeared and invisible in nature, reconstructing the landscape of the site.(视觉上的错觉,模糊了它和场地之间的知觉边界,这种看上去的消失,成为在自然中隐形的景观,重建了场地原有风貌。)
13、Thevisual illusion in itself has a strong interest, allows us to draw more inspiration to.(而视错觉本身却有着很强的趣味性,可以使我们从中汲取到更多的设计灵感。)
14、The third part (Chapter 4) : detailed lesson in the landscape space designvisual illusion of the research and application.(第三部分(第4章):详细阐述视错觉在景观空间设计中的研究与应用。) (hao86.com好工具)
15、I cannot say for sure if it was yourvisual illusion.(我不能肯定这是不是你的视错觉。)
16、Visual exceptions, if they don’t conform to the simulation, break the illusion.(视觉异常,如果他们不符合这种对真实模拟,就去掉这种视觉效果。)
17、Surprisingly, there was a strong link between its size and the extent to which volunteers perceived the size illusion — the smaller the area, the more pronounced thevisual illusion.(令人惊讶的是视觉皮层大小与志愿者所产生的大小错觉程度有着密切的联系皮层越小,视错觉就越明显。)
18、Similar tovisual illusion, cognition illusion becloud one's feeling to the real-world.(和视错觉类似,认知错觉蒙蔽了人们对真实世界的感受。)
19、The three white lines are avisual illusion.(三条白线仅是一个视觉上的幻觉。)
20、The reason may be that thevisual illusion creates a conflict for the brain.(其原因可能是视性错觉对大脑产生了干扰。)
21、Specific research methods and application examples are applied in the article to research thevisual illusion of graphics.(文章通过具体的图形研究手段和应用实例,对图形视错觉的应用进行研究。)