1、A large, valved, brasswind instrument with a bass pitch.(大型带活塞的低音铜管乐器。)
2、The flexible air-filled chamber of a bagpipe, an accordion, or a similarwind instrument.(风箱风笛、牛风琴或类似的管乐器的内有空气的灵活的腔室。)
3、A recorder is a wind musical instrument, and it has a mouthpiece at the top.(竖笛是一种管乐器,竖笛的最上方有吹口。)
4、A primitivewind instrument consisting of a series of pipes or reeds of graduated length bound together, played by blowing across the top open ends. Often used in the plural.(排箫由一系列管或长短不一的芦笛组成的原始管乐器,通过对其顶部的开口吹气进行吹奏。)
5、The invention describes an electronic ethnicwind instrument synthesizer which furthest retains the appearance shape, playing techniques and operational habit of the Chinese ethnicwind instrument.(本发明描述了电子民族管乐合成器,合成器最大限度地保留了中国民族管乐器外观形状、演奏技法、操作习惯。)
6、A brasswind instrument somewhat shorter than a trumpet and lacking keys or valves.(喇叭号一种铜制的风动乐器,比小号要短,没有键或。)
7、During the Warring States Period, King Xuan of the State of Qi loved to listen to the yu (an ancientwind instrument), especially in the ensemble.(战国时期齐国的齐宣王喜欢欣赏吹竿,特别爱听合奏。)
8、The converted commercial airliner is equipped with an instrument that can measure a hurricane’s wind profile from ground to the aircraft’s height.(这架被改装过的商业客机上装配了可以用来测量飓风风剖线(windprofile)的仪器,不管是在地面还是在飞行高度上,仪器都能发挥作用。)
9、It is a portable intelligent instrument mainly for low wind velocity, combined with the function for the measurement of wind temperature and relative humidity.(风速的测定常用的仪器有杯状风速计、翼状风速计、卡他温度计和热球式电风速计。)
10、A brasswind instrument similar to the but having a somewhat higher pitch and a mellower sound.(上低音,次中音号一种类似于的铜管乐器,但具有较高的音度和柔美的声音。)
11、Blows thewind instrument music therapy to be advantageous to bronchitis as well as other respiratory disorder recovery.(吹管乐疗法有利于支气管炎以及其他一些呼吸系统疾病康复。)
12、Wind profiler radar is a radio remote-sensing sounding system for detecting the atmosphere wind, which is proved to be an attractive and future wind-measurement instrument.(风廓线雷达是用于大气风场探测的无线电遥感系统,实践表明它是一种很有发展前途的测风设备。)
13、A brasswind instrument similar to the tuba but having a somewhat higher pitch and a mellower sound.(上低音大号,次中音号一种类似于大号的铜管乐器,但具有较高的音度和。)
14、It points out movable wind erosion tunnel will be the important instrument and will have a high economic value in the study of soil wind erosion.(指出移动式风蚀风洞将成为土壤风蚀研究的重要工具,在风蚀研究中具有极大的重要性和经济价值。)
15、The Dizi (also called D'Tzu or Zhu Di), is a side blownwind instrument made of Bamboo.(笛子,是在一侧吹奏的乐器。)
16、Master Huang: Is it awind instrument?(黄师父:它是管乐器吗?)
17、A small terra-cotta or plasticwind instrument with finger holes a mouthpiece and an elongated ovoid shape.(奥卡利那笛,洋埙一种小的赤陶制成或塑料乐器,有手孔和吹口,加长的椭形。)
18、It also concludes the art of nowadays' brass instruments,wind instrument performer, composer and producer, and presents opinions on use of various kinds of brass instruments.(对当今定型铜管乐器艺术(包括管乐器演奏家、管乐作曲家、管乐器制造家)进行了梳理。)
19、Yes. A Chinesewind instrument, called "Sheng" was introduced to Persia and later to Europe.(是的。一种叫做“笙”的中国管乐器就先后传到了波斯和欧洲。)
20、Awind instrument, such as a trumpet or saxophone, used in a jazz band.(喇叭,萨克斯管:管乐器(如喇叭或萨克斯管),用于爵士乐队中。)
21、A typical military band consists mostly of wind and percussion instrument.(典型的军乐队使用的大部分是管乐器和袭击乐器。) hAo86.com
22、The lowest brasswind instrument.(低音的黄铜制管乐器。)
23、The French horn is the hardestwind instrument to learn.(法国圆号是最难学的管乐器。)
24、Lily: Yes, it'swind instrument with keys for the fingers to press on. The body is made of brass, and is usually curved.(莉莉:这是有手指可以按动按键的管乐器的一种。而且是铜制的弯曲乐器。)
25、Chinesewind instrument, Called "Sheng" was introduced to Persia and later to Europe.(一种叫做“笙”的中国管乐器就先后传到了波斯和欧洲。)