
well done造句

well done造句

更新时间:2024-06-30 23:27:33


well done造句

  • 1、I want my lambwell done!(我要烤好我的的羊肉!)
  • 2、It waswell done, my boy.(你做得很好,我的孩子。)
  • 3、What my brother does iswell done.(我哥做的事总是好的。)
  • 4、well done, Potter.(干的好,波特。)
  • 5、Oh,well done, Sherlock. Did you figure that out all by yourself?(喔,干得好,大侦探。你全是自己推断出来的吗?)
  • 6、well done, I should say.(干得好,我得说。)
  • 7、He prefers his steakwell done.(他喜欢吃煎得熟透的牛排。)
  • 8、Thank them for a jobwell done.(感谢他们所做的出色工作。)
  • 9、He read all of my poems and said, "well done!" He kept helping me.(他读了我所有的诗,说:“写得好!”他一直在帮助我。)
  • 10、Children at school receive coloured stars for workwell done.(上学的孩子们表现好会得到彩星。)
  • 11、Lian:well done!(丽安:做得真不错。)
  • 12、well done! Congratulations to you!(打得好!祝贺你们!)
  • 13、Jobwell done, time to go home.(工作都做好了,是时间回家了。)
  • 14、One hand is up. Two.well done.(一只手举起来了,两个,好。)
  • 15、You've done a wonderful job.well done!(你的工作做得太好了,相当不错!)
  • 16、When you get to the tower, they won't say "well done".(当你到达塔的时候,他们不会说“做得好”。)
  • 17、This was not verywell done!(这个做得不怎么好!)
  • 18、JENNY ROSS:well done!(詹妮·罗斯:做的好!)
  • 19、well done. You did great.(干得好。你干得真棒。)
  • 20、"Daddy! I came second in history"—"well done, sweetheart!"(“爸爸!我历史得了第二名”—“做得好,宝贝儿!”)
  • 21、This is all good stuff.well done!(这一切都不错,干得漂亮!)
  • 22、well done is twice done.(做得好,事半功倍。)
  • 23、Allow an extra 10-15 min if you prefer lambwell done.(如果你想要小羊肉烧得烂些,就再烧10-15分钟。)
  • 24、Cookedwell done unless otherwise specified.(煮熟的做得好除非另外说明。) hao86.com
  • 25、And so congratulations andwell done!(恭喜您了,干得不错!)

well done基本释义

well done

英 [wel dʌn] 美 [wɛl dʌn] 
