更新时间:2025-01-05 21:32:04
- 1、McGonagall was aweaver in Dundee, Scotland who often recited his works on the street and tried to sell them.(麦戈纳格尔曾是苏格兰敦提市的一名纺织工人。他常在大街上朗诵并推销自己的诗作。)
- 2、The father of machine translation, Warrenweaver, chose to regard Russian as a "code" obscuring the real meaning of the text.(沃伦·韦弗被誉为机器翻译之父,他将俄语视为表达真实意义的“代码”文本。)
- 3、Theweaver ants, it turns out, are very thorough about hunting down and eating fruit flies, as well as a host of other pests.(调查结果显示,编织蚁对于捕获和消灭果蝇以及很多其他的害虫都有非常彻底的效果。)
- 4、Practice makes perfect for the Botswanan Southern Maskedweaver, shown above weaving a complex nest of out grass.(博茨瓦纳南部的黑脸织布鸟也能熟能生巧,上图显示的是它们用草编织了一个复杂的鸟巢。)
- 5、Howweaver ants could come to the rescue of African mango farmers?(编织蚁是如何拯救非洲的芒果种植户的。) hao86.com
- 6、Fancy Jodie Foster and Sigourneyweaver.(对朱迪·福斯特和西格妮·韦弗心存幻想。)
- 7、Golden Orbweaver Spider Spiders in this group are known for the golden sheen of their silk.(金球织网蜘蛛这类蜘蛛以发光的金丝得名。)
- 8、To create a pattern, a drawboy would sit inside a loom and move the threads according to the directions of theweaver.(要织出一种纹样,牵线童(drawboy)要坐在织布机里面,根据织布工发出的指令移动经线。)
- 9、For this to happen, you must be able to invoke an AOP compiler orweaver within your IDE.(要达到这个目标,必须能够在IDE中调用AOP编译器或编织器。)
- 10、weaver agrees that the fear of public speaking is the phobia he has seen to be the most detrimental to a persons' career.(韦弗也认为害怕公共发言是他见过的对一个人职业最不利的恐惧症。)
- 11、They made the robe of the ephod entirely of blue cloth-the work of aweaver.(他用织工做以弗得的外袍,颜色全是蓝的。)
- 12、weaver, who wrapped up his interview with Biden by quipping "Senator Biden is now my homeboy", couldn't resist doing so again.(韦弗在采访拜登的时候最后说了一句“参议员拜登现在是我的老友了”,而他现在完全无法抗拒再次这样做的诱惑。)
- 13、Wasserstein made her way to the prestigious Yale programme, studying with Meryl Streep, Christopher Durang and Sigourneyweaver.(瓦瑟斯坦转向了著名的耶鲁计划,与梅丽尔•斯特里普、克里斯托弗•杜朗格和西格妮•韦弗一道学习。)
- 14、And theweaver said, "Speak to us of Clothes."(一位织工说,请给我们谈谈衣服。)
- 15、Sigourneyweaver, in an evolution of her role as Ripley in 1979's Alien, plays the gruff scientist who runs the avatar program.(西格妮韦弗,在1979年的电影《外星人》Ripley的扮演人,这次扮演的是一位负责运行程序的态度生硬的科学家。)
- 16、For Aaron and his sons, they made tunics of fine linen-the work of aweaver.(他用织成的细麻布为亚伦和他的儿子做内袍。)
- 17、Not thatweaver has ever claimed to have much in common with the character she plays.(但这并不是说韦弗同她扮演的角色有太多共通之处。)
- 18、weaver ants, which spin silk cocoons to protect their larvae.(织叶蚂蚁,它们吐丝结茧,以保护自己的幼虫。)
- 19、Theweaver bird builds a nest that looks like a basket, the nest shaped like a pear with a hole in the middle.(织巢鸟筑了一个像篮子一样的巢,巢的形状像一个梨,中间有一个洞。)
- 20、The father of machine translation, Williamweaver, chose to regard Russian as a "code" obscuring the real meaning of the text.(机器翻译,威廉·韦弗的父亲,选择视为“代码模糊了真正意义的文本”俄罗斯。)
- 21、Farmers whose trees are teeming withweaver ants, however, do not need to bother with any of this.(但是对于那些果树上住满了编织蚁的种植户来说,就不再有这些困扰他们的问题了。)
- 22、Mr.weaver and his family have been persecuted by the authorities for their beliefs.(韦弗先生及其家人因为他们的信仰而遭当局迫害。)
- 23、And when the black thread breaks, theweaver shall look into the whole cloth, and he shall examine the loom also.(当黑线断开,织工就应审视整块织物,他也应检查机杼。)
- 24、He was the son of an Englishweaver.(他是英国一个织布匠的儿子。)
- 25、weaver asked.(韦弗问道。)
- 26、From Jennyweaver to Mark Bjerke, college students in Santa Rosa, California.(珍妮和马克是加利福尼亚州圣·罗莎的学生。)
- 27、weaver ants use silk squeezed from ant larvae to "glue" leaves together for nest building.(织蚁利用幼蚁身上挤出来的丝把树叶粘到一起建造蚁巢。)
- 28、Your surname may be derived from a place, such as Lancaster, for example, or an occupation, such asweaver.(或许,你的姓氏来源于一个地方名,例如兰卡斯特,或者来源于职业,例如编织工。)
英 [ˈwi:və(r)] 美 [ˈwivɚ]