
更新时间:2024-06-23 23:19:58



  • 1、There may be a threshold of debt beyond which bond markets suddenly takeumbrage.(可能有这样一个负债门槛,要是负债过高,债券市场可能会突然光火。)
  • 2、I invited her because I was afraid of givingumbrage.(我邀请了她,因为我怕得罪她。)
  • 3、She tookumbrage at my remarks about her hair.(我对她头发的评论使她很不高兴。)
  • 4、While I certainly understand the frustration behind many of the shirt's points, I myself found the tone of the T-shirt's message offensive and can see why some Chinese tookumbrage.(虽然我很理解在T恤衫上的话的背景给外国人带来的沮丧,但我也感觉到那些话是得罪人的,也明白为什么有些中国人看了会心中不快。)
  • 5、He takesumbrage against anyone who criticizes him.(他对任何批评他的人生气。)
  • 6、Inwardly pleased with all this, Hung-chien pretended to takeumbrage, saying, "so an associate professor is a nobody, is he?"(鸿渐给辛楣那么一说,心里得意,假装不服气道:“副教授就不是人?”)
  • 7、You don't think she'll takeumbrage if she isn't invited to the wedding, do you?(如果不请她出席婚礼,你认为她不会生气,是吗?)
  • 8、He called me a lily - livered coward, and Iumbrage at the insult.(他说我是个胆小的懦夫,这种侮辱让我很生气。)
  • 9、The answers were kept confidential to prevent any partners takingumbrage.(为了防止他们的另一半感到不快,他们的答案都是保密的。)
  • 10、When I tookumbrage, trying to explain away my C in differential calculus, he quickly said to me, "There is no shame in being a writer."(我有些不爽,当极力想辩解我在微积分课得的C时,他立刻对我说:“当作家绝不丢人。”)
  • 11、Objectives To vindicate the rights of medical staff and avoid theumbrage between patients and medical staff.(目的维持医务人员的合法权益,摆脱目前医患关系之间的阴影。)
  • 12、The trajectory ofumbrage motion shaped a butterfly arc belt. The situations of outside and inner arc belt were influenced by height of tree (H) and the height below branch respectively.(试验区树荫运动轨迹呈蝶形弧带变化,树高影响投影外弧线位置,枝下高影响投影内弧线位置;)
  • 13、They sheltered in theumbrage of a rain forest.(他们躲蔽在雨林树荫下。)
  • 14、As you might imagine, some families have takenumbrage.(可以预见,对此很多家庭当然都会感到不悦。)



英 [ˈʌmbrɪdʒ] 美 [ˈʌmbrɪdʒ] 
