
speak out造句

speak out造句

更新时间:2025-01-05 21:39:53


speak out造句

  • 1、China, India and others alsospeak out against the Tuvalu idea.(中国,印度,以及其它的一个国家反对图瓦卢的提议。)
  • 2、I am going tospeak out against the committee's decision.(我打算直言反对委员会的决定。)
  • 3、I hope people will be courageous enough tospeak out against this injustice.(我希望人们能敢于大胆说出来,反对这种不公。)
  • 4、I think she is not afraid tospeak out.(我认为她不害怕实话实说。)
  • 5、I feel suffocated if I don'tspeak out.(骨鲠在喉,一吐方快。)
  • 6、It takes courage tospeak out against the tide of opinion.(跟舆论趋向唱反调需要勇气。)
  • 7、speak out. Don't just brood over things.(你有什么事就说吧,别圈在心里。)
  • 8、Brazil and others have only just begun tospeak out.(巴西等国只是刚刚开始表态。)
  • 9、Mr Hejazi continued tospeak out.(赫亚兹先生继续大声疾呼。)
  • 10、Too bad if a victim feels emboldened tospeak out at the age of 39.(而39岁的受害者若胆子大到将当年之事说出来,那就太糟糕了。)
  • 11、speak out, my boy--don't be diffident.(说出来吧,孩子——别害怕。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 12、She would do her country and Europe favor if she were tospeak out more.(如果她能够更多地发言,她将对她的国家和欧洲有利。)
  • 13、But for that to happen, Japan needs new voices tospeak out.(但要使之变成现实,日本需要新的声音。)
  • 14、speak out your ideas.(说出你的观点。)
  • 15、The internet also gives them a public forum tospeak out.(互联网也给了他们一个发言的平台。)
  • 16、He has the courage tospeak out what he thinks right.(他敢于说出他认为正确的东西。)
  • 17、If no one has the courage tospeak out against bullying, the situation will be worse.(如果没有人敢挺身而出站反对霸凌,情况会更糟。)
  • 18、He said other things I cannotspeak out for shame.(他还说了些我羞于启齿的话。)
  • 19、speak out in the presence of everyone.(当着大家谈。)
  • 20、They are too frightened tospeak out against the gun-toting thugs.(他们吓坏了,不敢公然反抗这些持枪暴徒。)
  • 21、speak out if you think you have been treated unfairly.(倘若你认为他们没有公正地对待你,就直截了当明明白白说出来。)
  • 22、He also continues tospeak out on his blog.(他同样继续在博客上畅所欲言。)
  • 23、Han is a young guy who dares tospeak out.(路金波说:“韩寒是个敢说的年轻人。”)
  • 24、I watched his fingers move slowly under each letter as he tried tospeak out "Bud the Sub".(我看着他的手指在每个字母下面慢慢移动,试图说出“BudtheSub”。)
  • 25、They will also allow active soldiers a chance tospeak out.(调查人员也将给予现役军人机会,让其吐露心声。)
  • 26、I don't feel I'm being bold, because it's always been natural for me to justspeak out about whatever disturbs me.(我并不认为自己莽撞,因为无论什么事令我不安我就说出来,对我这一直以来是很自然的事。)
  • 27、Anyone with the courage tospeak out?(有人有勇气说出来吗?)

speak out基本释义

speak out

英 [spi:k aut] 美 [spik aʊt] 
