
solar astronomer造句

solar astronomer造句

更新时间:2025-03-02 20:41:31


solar astronomer造句

  • 1、The astronomer made many contributions in the field of solar research.(那位天文学家在太阳研究方面曾作出很多贡献。)
  • 2、He is the first known astronomer on that continent to have used a continuous system of counting solar days.(他是所知的第一位南亚次大陆天文学家使用持续的系统去计算太阳日。)
  • 3、British astronomer Arthur Eddington was involved in an expedition to principe island in west Africa, where he photographed the total solar eclipse of 1919.(1919年英国天文学家ArthurEddington参加了西非普林西比岛的探险活动,他在那里拍摄了整个日蚀过程。) Hao86.com
  • 4、“This is the first unquestionably rocky planet orbiting a star outside our solar system,” said astronomer Natalie Batalha of San Jose State University, a member of the Kepler team.(SanJose州立大学天文学家NatalieBatalha说,毫无疑问,这是我们第一次探测到太阳系以外的岩状行星。)
  • 5、Jim calculates a solar eclipse easily because he is an astronomer.(因为吉姆是个天文学家,所以很容易的计算出日蚀。)
  • 6、Often considered the stuff of science fiction, sailing through space was suggested 400 years ago by astronomer Johannes Kepler who observed comet tails blown by the solar wind.(400年前,约翰·开普勒发现太阳风作用形成彗尾的现象,并由此提出星际航行的构想,但这常被认为是科幻小说里的内容。)
  • 7、And in the last section, some problems on flare energy source, flare observations and studies faced by astronomer engaging in solar physiss are mentioned.(最后,简单讨论了耀斑的供能机制及今后的观测与分析等问题。)

solar astronomer基本释义
