
solo instrument造句

solo instrument造句

更新时间:2025-01-05 21:40:08


solo instrument造句

  • 1、Lead? A lead vocal, lead instrument or solo.(主人声、主乐器或者乐器独奏。)
  • 2、This lesson examines the role of thesolo instrument in a worship team and introduces participants to contemporary chords and contemporary chord notation.(课程将探讨独奏乐器在敬拜团队中所扮演的角色,并介绍吉他和弦及其记谱法。)
  • 3、Sounding melodious and elegant, it is as importantsolo instrument now, and often in accompaniments as well.(也会有滑奏做为装饰音。声音非常悠扬典雅,适合独奏和伴奏。)
  • 4、“Life is like playing a violin solo in public and learning the instrument as one goes along, ” wrote Samuel Butler.(塞缪尔·巴特勒写过:“生命犹如公开表演小提琴独奏,一边表演一边了解乐器。”)
  • 5、A short piece of music, often improvised on asolo instrument, played as an introduction to a larger work.(即兴曲一段短音乐,常为乐器即兴独奏,作为大型作品的序曲。)
  • 6、Piano as asolo instrument gets of people love.(钢琴作为一件独奏乐器深受人们的喜爱。)
  • 7、In this paper, a discussion start with inquiring the relation between solo and accompaniment of"Green Willow Leaves" in the tune form of Guanzi(a Chinese pipe music instrument).(本文从探索管子曲《柳叶青》的独奏和伴奏的关系入手,对该曲织体的结构形态、复调特征、和声内涵及艺术特性进行了比较系统的分析、研究。)
  • 8、It first appeared over 3,000 ago and represents China's solo musical instrument tradition.(它最早出现在3000多年前,代表了中国的独奏乐器传统。) hao86.com
  • 9、The tambour is a hand drum instrument found in the Middle-East. It is often played solo to show the performer's dexterity in rhythm and speed.(弹拨鼓是一种中东的手持鼓类乐器,常以独奏方式来表现表演者在节奏和速度灵巧的功力。)

solo instrument基本释义