1、It doesn't matter how well qualified you are, if your face doesn't fit, you don'tstand a chance.(资历多好也没用,如果人家看你不对眼,你就不会有机会。)
2、You can forget that! You don'tstand a chance of getting the job!(你别想了吧!你是没有机会得到这个工作的。)
3、At this point only something with huge traction and momentum wouldstand a chance.(从这点上说,只有巨大的动力才会有机会。)
4、How will the wives of Afghanistanstand a chance if they cannot teach their children, boys and girls alike, to read?(阿富汗人的妻子们如果不能部分男女地教导他们的子女阅读,那她们该如何表明其立场呢?)
5、You karate and judo girls dan'tstand a chance with an old-fash-Toned wrestler like me.(你们的空手道和柔道赢不了我这老式摔跤手。)
6、The Rebellion will need more brave souls like you if we're tostand a chance of turning VW away from the Dark Side.(如果我们还有机会让大众从黑暗势力中扭转回来的话,反抗军就需要更多像你一样的勇士。)
7、His opponent did notstand a chance.(他的对手毫无取胜的机会。)
8、Only when we do this do westand a chance to have a better world in the future!(只有当我们做这做我们站在一个机会,有一个更美好的世界的未来!)
9、Miss World contestants: If BeautifulPeople.com is right, we don'tstand a chance Photo: David Rose(照片:世姐比赛现场。如果BeautifulPeople.com是正确的话,我们根本没有任何机会。)
10、I don'tstand a chance against this man.(我没有一点机会战胜他。)
11、B: If I were any more ready, you wouldn'tstand a chance.(我要是准备得再好一点的话,你就没戏了。)
12、Those slippery strands of linguine won'tstand a chance against this toothy server.(滑丝的扁意这些立场不会对这种露齿的服务器的机会。)
13、The driver didn'tstand a chance of stopping in time.(司机没有来得及刹车。)
14、This time, will Romney be Romney? If he were, he wouldstand a chance(这一次,罗姆尼会坚守立场吗?) (hao86.com好工具)
15、You'd think a chump like me wouldn'tstand a chance in the hyper competitive online world.(你们会觉得像我这样笨的人在竞争极为激烈的互联网上是没有立足之地的。)
16、He knows if we miss our filing deadline, we don'tstand a chance to compete against them for the bid.(他知道如果我们错过了诉讼的最后期限,那我们就没有机会跟他们竞标了。)
17、Light from stars, even nearby in our own galaxy, doesn'tstand a chance against that.(即使是我们银河系附近的恒星发出的光,也无法与之抗衡。)
18、Contemporary author-recluses, such as Harper Lee and Anne Tyler, wouldn'tstand a chance in today's din.(当代的隐居作家,例如哈皮尔-李和安妮-泰勒根本不可能在当今时代的喧嚣中过活。)
19、The conventional publishers of bad books at high prices don'tstand a chance against this landmark.(为劣质书订高价的常规出版社要想匹敌这座里程碑,丝毫机会都没有。)
20、Jim wants a scholarship to Harvard but he doesn'tstand a chance of getting one.(吉姆想拿哈佛大学的奖学金,但是不太可能。)
21、The victim would have a chance to survive (stand a chance of survival) if he had been taken to hospital in time.(如果遇难者被及时送往医院的话,他本来会有机会活下来的。)
22、I knew that I wouldn'tstand a chance doing things on my own, so I found people that could help me.(我知道我不希望自己做这些,所以我找了些人来帮我。)
23、That means I don'tstand a chance of getting to heaven on my own merit.(也就是说,我靠自己的美德,没有机会进天国。)
24、Imagine 22 horses and a donkey (racing), you just wouldn'tstand a chance.(想象一下,一头驴与22匹马赛跑,你一点机会都没有。)