1、It is true that when there are start-up costs, such as credit checks, involved in serving a new customer, the costs exceed those of serving a repeat customer.(的确,当服务新客户需要启动成本时,比如信用检查,其成本要高于服务老客户的成本。)
2、Another start-up, TAT, has begun experimenting with a software called "Add Identity".(另一家新兴公司TAT已经开始尝试一种名为“增加身份”的软件。)
3、Add web content control to the list ofstart up applications.(添加网络内容控制到启动应用程序列表中。)
4、What's the first thing you do when youstart up your web browser?(当你打开浏览器上网时的第一件事情是什么呢?) hAo86.com
5、Since you have more free time now, why notstart up a new business?(现在你有更多自由的时间了,为何不开始做一件新的事情呢?)
6、Scripts tostart up your disaster center resources.(用于启动灾难中心资源的脚本。)
7、Kapur notes, none of us like to fail, no matter how often Silicon Valley entrepreneurs praise the beneficial effects of an idea that fails or a start-up company that crashes and burns.(卡普尔指出,我们都不喜欢失败,不管硅谷的企业家们多么经常地赞扬那些失败想法或崩溃毁掉的初创公司所传达的有益影响。)
8、start up the main server.(启动主服务器。)
9、How you helpstart up companies?(如何成立公司?)
10、She surprised him several times by seeming tostart up beside him as if she sprang out of the earth.(有几次,玛丽让他吃了一惊,因为这小姑娘神不知鬼不觉地突然出现在他身边,仿佛是从地底下钻了出来。)
11、Tiny Speck, his start-up, is testing its first game, Glitch, with more than 5, 000 users.(他的初创公司TinySpeck正在和5000多名用户一起测试它的第一款游戏Glitch。)
12、Firefighters will remain on the scene until later this morning to ensure that the fire doesn'tstart up again.(直到今天上午,消防队员将留在现场,以确保火灾不会再次发生。)
13、start up the application server.(启动应用程序服务器。)
14、Fail to twirl and your start-up may become one of the "living dead".(如果转型失败,你的创业公司可能会变成“活死人”之一。)
15、It will not be eligible for recovery during serverstart up.(在服务器启动恢复期间它就不是合格的了。)
16、I went over tostart up a conversation, asking her who she knew at the party.(我走过去攀谈起来,问她在聚会上都认识谁。)
17、start up your application server and open the admin console in your browser.(启动应用服务器并在浏览器中打开管理控制台。)
18、I heard his carstart up.(我听见他的汽车发动了。)
19、The project will require very little work tostart up; that's the beauty of it.(这项工程几乎不需要启动工作,好就好在这里。)
20、This allows developers to quicklystart up their own mini clusters.(这将使开发者可以快速搭建起他们自己的服务器集群。)
21、Writing needs tostart up by inspiration.(写作是靠灵感启动的。)
22、start up the server.(启动该服务器。)
23、We have decided tostart up a company.(我们已决定好开一家公司。)
24、Scripts tostart up the admin processes of your disaster center.(用于启动灾难中心的管理流程的脚本。)
25、We’re the biggeststart up on the planet.(我们是地球上最大的初创企业。)
26、Soon, the band wouldstart up.(不久,乐队就要开始演奏。)
27、Unless a record number of companiesstart up this year, Derderia will not break its record for new jobs created.(除非今年新成立的公司数量达到创纪录水平,Derderia将不会打破其创造的新就业机会的纪录。)
28、Be sure your lever is in neutral before youstart up your car.(在发动汽车前,你一定要确保汽车的变速杆处于空挡位。)