7、The most important part ofsprint-based working is the break.(冲刺工作最重要的部分是休息。)
8、sprint Backlog with tasks assigned to owners(sprintBacklog与分配给所有者的任务)
9、Thesprint backlog does not change during thesprint.(在sprint期间sprint积压并没有改变。)
10、As they must alsosprint over short distances, speed is essential.(由于他们还必须疾速短跑,因此速度是至关重要的。)
11、One option is to drag it to the newsprint.(一个选项就是将其拖拉到新的迭代上。)
12、Isprint as fast as I can, but not fast enough.(我拼命快跑,但怎么都不够快。)
13、Shelly Ann, who at that time only ranked number 70 in the world, beat Jamaica's unchallenged queen of thesprint.(当时世界排名只有70位的雪莉·安击败了牙买加无敌的短跑女王。)
14、Create a plan forsprint 2.(为sprint2创建一个计划。)
15、It's a Marathon, Not asprint.(营销是一场马拉松,不是短跑。)
16、In asprint race, acceleration off the block is everything.(短跑比赛中,从起跑器上加速至关重要。)
17、The team holds asprint Planning meeting at the start of eachsprint.(在每一个迭代的开始,团队都要举行一次sprintPlanning会议。)
18、The athlete put on asprint of speed to make it.(运动员在到达终点前进行冲刺。)
19、You don't know if this is going to be asprint or a marathon.(你不清楚这到底会成为一场百米冲刺还是马拉松。)
20、The product owner and team agree on a goal for thesprint.(产品所有者和团队会就冲刺阶段的目标达成一致意见。)
21、Running up to an acid semitonal acciaccatura in both hands, the piano goes over into asprint of octave-chords and single notes.(钢琴的两只手以半音阶短倚音向上,转变成八度和弦和单音符。) hAo86.com
22、Stop, breathe for a SEC, thensprint again.(停下来,呼吸几秒,然后再冲刺。)
23、sprint Nextel has reconceived its Virgin Mobile brand to cater to heavy texters in a difficult economy.(sprintNextel重新设计了其VirginMobile品牌,以迎合经济困难时期重度依赖短信的用户的需求。)
24、"This is a marathon, not asprint," says Moore.(摩尔说:“这是一场马拉松比赛,不是百米冲刺。”)