
still life arrangement造句

still life arrangement造句

更新时间:2025-03-02 20:40:40


still life arrangement造句

  • 1、The flower arrangement was created as an echo of a client's still life.(这个插花是仿照一位客户的静物画做出来的。)
  • 2、Appearing to be a simple work of still life subject, the composition and arrangement is nonetheless deliberate and of subtle sophistication.(看似简单的静物主题,底蕴都是巧妙的构图、布局。)
  • 3、Pictures of the scene of her still life is actually very simple without the deliberate arrangement of desktops.(对她仍然生活场景的图片其实是非常没有刻意安排简单的台式机。)

still life arrangement基本释义
