
stick around造句

stick around造句

更新时间:2024-12-29 21:32:36


stick around造句

  • 1、Many jet ski riders are big show-offs whostick around populated areas so everyone can see their turns and manoeuvres.(许多驾喷气式滑艇者都是极爱卖弄的人,他们总是出现在人多的地方,好让大家都能看到他们的翻转和各种熟练动作。)
  • 2、stick around... you'll see a lot more code, a lot more detail, and a lot more fun.(请继续坚持,您将看到更多的代码、更多的细节和更多的乐趣。)
  • 3、Love the habit, and it willstick around longer.(去爱一种习惯,它将长久的为你所有。)
  • 4、Those whostick around are tired of living in a place where they can't even get to the market without swimming through a sea of picture snapping tourists.(那些留在这里的人也厌倦了生活在这样一个地方,在这里,如果不游过拍照的游客的海洋,他们甚至都不能去市场。)
  • 5、But lock-ins will reassure investors that the firm’s brainpower willstick around.(但是,股份禁售会使投资者放心,公司的头头脑脑们会将股份持有一定时期。)
  • 6、The more you let your users get involved in your site, the more they'llstick around.(你越能够让你的用户投入到你的网站中,他们就会在你的网站逗留更久。)
  • 7、Why do "deleted" photosstick around so long?(为什么“被删除”的照片会留这么久?)
  • 8、Even if the cowboys disappear entirely, their verses will probablystick around.(就算有朝一日牛仔真的没了踪迹,他们的诗句恐怕依然会萦回世间。)
  • 9、Some big new entrants willstick around.(一些大的新行业进入者将会继续观望。)
  • 10、The whales are likely tostick around Santa Cruz for another few weeks before continuing south.(鲸鱼在继续向南游之前还会在圣克鲁兹海域逗留几周。)
  • 11、Without hesitation, she replied, "I don't know. Let'sstick around and find out."(她不假思索地回答说:“我不知道。我们就等着瞧吧。”)
  • 12、And even those whostick around may be infected by the surrounding gloom.(即使是那些留守的也被暗淡的周围感染。)
  • 13、stick around a while and see what develops.(稍呆一会儿,看看会发生什么。)
  • 14、Love the one you're with - how to know if it's worth your while tostick around.(爱那个和你一起的人——怎样才能知道继续坚持下去值不值得?)
  • 15、Accountantsstick around - and sometimes they have tiny little feet!(会计师能常伴左右—-尽管有时候他们的脚也小得可怜!)
  • 16、Your site may see a lot of traffic, but customers won'tstick around.(你可能会看到很多的流量,但用户并不会在你的网站上逗留。)
  • 17、Will Mr Klinsmannstick around after the World Cup?(世界杯后克林斯曼会继续留任吗?)
  • 18、Haimowitz, who just renewed his driver's license, said he plans tostick around awhile.(刚刚更新了驾驶执照的海莫威茨说,他打算再活上一段时间。)
  • 19、stick around; we'll need you to help us later.(别走开,过一会儿我们还需要你帮忙呢。)
  • 20、However, the inflation story willstick around.(然而,通胀预期将始终悬于项上。)
  • 21、I hope you'llstick around till the end.(我希望你能留在这里直到结束。)
  • 22、But the cleaners must resist thistemptation if they want their dinner tostick around.(但是,如果清洁鱼想留住它们的正餐,就必须抵制诱惑。)
  • 23、It looks like many users aren't finding a valid reason tostick around.(似乎Twitter上的许多用户没有发现依赖它的原因。)
  • 24、Indeed, too fewstick around to do the job.(确实,坚持这项工作的人太少。)
  • 25、I also had a boyfriend who begged me tostick around and watch while he cleaned his closet.(我也曾经有个男朋友请求我当他打扫他的橱柜时守在他身边。)
  • 26、He did not intend, however, tostick around.(他也不太想在附近转悠。)
  • 27、The problem occurs when acute stressors pile up andstick around.(问题出在当急性压力堆积并留了下来。)
  • 28、However, if youstick around, you'll start to see the wisdom in this custom.(但是,如果你能等一会儿,你会发现这一习惯的睿智之处。)

stick around基本释义

stick around

英 [stik əˈraund] 美 [stɪk əˈraʊnd] 
