1、Thesystematical design of the test stand for chargers is expounded.(阐述了充电机试验台的系统设计,介绍了充电机性能试验的检测项目。)
2、There are fewsystematical formulas to calculate the roller number and the distances between rollers in crawler travel system of rotary pile drill.(旋挖钻机履带式行走装置支重轮之间的距离及其数量的多少,尚缺少系统的计算公式。)
3、I have excellent ability ofsystematical management.(我具有极强的系统管理能力。)
4、So it is necessary to carry outsystematical research in this technology in order to form a whole design theory and construction method.(因此对建筑物整体平移进行深入系统的研究,使之形成一套完整的设计理论和施工技术是很有必要的。)
5、Thesystematical experiment on oil sludge solidification was carried out in laboratory.(在室内进行了油田污泥固化试验研究。)
6、The designing and developing of network coursework is asystematical project with its own rules and principles.(网络课件的设计开发是一个系统工程,有其自身的规律和原则。)
7、Through the network, the model management is likely to becomesystematical and global so as to meet the unpredictable worldwide competition.(以网络为载体,抓住契机,模特的管理才会全球化、系统化、规模化。)
8、We should form asystematical thought to the women athletes'psychological training and combine it with personality and technical style.(对女子乒乓球运动员的心理训练应该形成系统性,并与运动员个性、运动员打法特点有机结合;)
9、In the following ten years, Lakoff, Johnson, Langaker engage insystematical researches and experiments on the above aspects.(在随后的十年里,莱克夫、约翰逊、兰盖克从以上方面进行了系统的研究和试验。)
10、Traditional translation theories lack enough concern about andsystematical research on the subjectivity of the translator.(传统的翻译理论对译者的主体性缺乏充分的关注和系统的研究。)
11、The five part analysessystematical ly the antidumping evadable accounting.(本文第五部分,系统论述了反倾销规避会计。)
12、Competition in the sense of modern is an important part of thesystematical social life.(现代意义上的竞争是有组织的社会生活的一个重要组成部分。)
13、The quality control of the writing of nursing documents should besystematical and standard.(护理文件书写的质量管理应为有组织的规范化管理。) 【好工具hao86.com】
14、Moreover, they should getsystematical training first, in order to be efficient and experienced.(此外,他们应该得到系统化先培训,以便有效率和有经验的。)
15、Inside lightweight aggregate concrete, no one has madesystematical research on the change in microstructure to the influence of concrete property.(在轻集料混凝土内,微观结构的改变,对混凝土性能的影响,目前还没有人做过系统的研究。)
16、The integrated training mode is asystematical and comprehensive scheme for functional training.(综合训练模式是一个系统的、综合的机能训练方案。)
17、This thesis adopts the methods of comparative analysis,systematical analysis, historical analysis, etc.(本文运用比较分析、系统分析、历史分析等方法进行研究。)
18、The pure compound tends to crystallizesystematical ly into cubic form.(纯化合物倾向于系统地结晶成立方形状。)
19、The ERP system adoption is thesystematical engineering process which needs time to realize benefits step by step.(ERP系统的采纳是一个系统的工程,它需要时间来一步一步发现效益。)
20、In this chapter, the author makes thesystematical analysis of the content of the taboo of Mongolian wrestling.(文中就上述这些内容进行了详细系统的说明和论述。)
21、However, there still lack ofsystematical methods to reduce the purchasing cost.(然而目前还没有形成系统地降低采购成本的方法。)
22、GPS data analysis,systematical error analysis, datum.(GPS数据分析,系统误差分析,基准。)
23、The development and management of female human resources is a very important socialsystematical project.(女性人力资源的开发与管理,是一项重要的社会系统工程。)
24、The education of person is asystematical project.(人的培养是一个系统的工程。)
25、This article has conductedsystematical research to Chinese chuangye corporate culture construction.(本文对中国创业企业文化建设进行了系统研究。)
27、Instructional design aims at optimizing instructional effects and it is the course ofsystematical design of each factor in instructional system.(教学设计是以优化教学效果为目的,对教学系统中的各个要素进行系统计划的过程。)