
table manners造句

table manners造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 21:43:17


table manners造句

  • 1、It's Dad's seat, according to the book abouttable manners.(根据餐桌礼仪的书,这应该是爸爸的位置。)
  • 2、The Swiss follow formaltable manners.(瑞士人遵循正式的餐桌礼仪。)
  • 3、So, I say thattable manners are very important.(所以,我才说餐桌礼节是很重要的。)
  • 4、Around the world, people have different ideas about what "good"table manners are.(在世界各地,人们对于好的餐桌礼仪有不同的看法。)
  • 5、Dinner time can also be difficult because of the food andtable manners.(晚餐时间也很困难,因为食品和餐桌礼仪。)
  • 6、Remember yourtable manners: companies want employees with social as well as job skills.(记住你的餐桌礼仪:公司希望员工除了工作技能之外还有社交技能。)
  • 7、Joan: I'd rather have goodtable manners than all the riches in the world!(琼:我宁愿要有好的饭桌礼节,而不要世界上的一切财富!)
  • 8、If a foreign friend was visiting, could you explain Chinesetable manners?(倘若有个外国朋友前来拜访,你能给他们说一说中国的餐桌礼仪吗?)
  • 9、table manners are not trivial.(餐桌礼仪并不琐碎。)
  • 10、Do you know about the Frenchtable manners.(你了解法国人吃饭的礼节吗?) hAo86.com
  • 11、Parents should teach their childrentable manners.(双亲应该教导他们的小孩餐桌礼仪。)
  • 12、There are many differences intable manners in different cultures.(不同的文化在饮食习惯方面存在许多差异。)
  • 13、But the one thing that truly places the book in the past is its advice ontable manners.(但是真正让这本书在过去风靡一时的是,它给以人们以餐桌礼仪的建议。)
  • 14、Are thetable manners the same in this country?(这个国家的就餐礼仪一样吗?)
  • 15、I'm really a bit nervous now, for I know nothing of yourtable manners.(我真有点不安了,我对你们的席间礼节一点也不懂。)
  • 16、To appreciate this theory fully, you need to understand a little about crabtable manners.(为了充分理解这一理论,你需要了解一点关于螃蟹们的餐桌礼仪。)
  • 17、Eating one properly takes three steps: first, forget yourtable manners.(牡蛎的正确吃法包含三个步骤:首先,把餐桌礼仪抛到一边去。)
  • 18、I've been learning thetable manners for hours but still can't really it.(我学习这些餐桌礼仪都用了好几个小时了,可还是没能真正学会。)
  • 19、By the time the child is 3 or 4, parents can expect reasonabletable manners.(当孩子3或4岁时,家长可以要求他们遵循合理的餐桌礼仪。)
  • 20、He attacked the food as quickly as decenttable manners allowed.(他在不失礼的情况下尽快地用了餐。)
  • 21、If you met a young person with awfultable manners, what would you think?(如果你碰到过一个年轻人用餐礼仪十分糟糕,你会怎么看?)
  • 22、This is the height of Britishtable manners five centuries before Mrs Beeton.(比顿夫人还没出现之前,英国五世纪餐桌礼仪的高度就是如此。)
  • 23、Hmmm... you should brush up on yourtable manners.(嗯…你应该改进你的餐桌礼仪。)
  • 24、It is 1740, and they are learning to eat. Or rather, they are learningtable manners.(这是1740年,这些孩子正在学吃饭,或者更恰当地说,他们在学习餐桌礼仪。)

table manners基本释义

table manners

英 [ˈteibl ˈmænəz] 美 [ˈtebəl ˈmænɚz] 
