
superior to造句

superior to造句

更新时间:2025-03-02 20:40:04


superior to造句

  • 1、In terms of efficiency and cleanness, buses, trains and other forms of public or mass transportation aresuperior to the private automobile.(在效率和清洁方面,公共汽车、火车和其他形式的公共或大众交通工具优于私家车。)
  • 2、Hunger and wretchedness risesuperior to fears in the long run.(从长远来看,饥饿和不幸会战胜恐惧。)
  • 3、He adds humbly that perhaps he wassuperior to the common run of men in noticing things which easily escape attention, and in observing them carefully.(他谦虚地补充道,对于注意并仔细观察那些容易被忽视的事物,或许他比普通人略胜一筹。)
  • 4、We should consider every navvysuperior to Shakespeare.(我们应该把每一个粗人都看得比莎士比亚高明。)
  • 5、Ivan helped hissuperior to write summaries of all kinds of reports.(依凡帮助他的上级写各种报告的摘要。)
  • 6、Are the planet's inhabitants technologicallysuperior to Earth's?(这个星球的居民是否在科技上领先于地球?)
  • 7、Together the team may then produce something new, unique andsuperior to that of any one member.(这样,团队就可以一起创造出一些新的、独特的、优于任何一个成员的单独成果的东西。)
  • 8、At the appraising meeting, experts stated this method wassuperior to others.(鉴定会上,专家们指出这种方法优于其他方法。)
  • 9、What we appreciate, enjoy or marvel at in the works of genius or the achievements of prodigies are the manifestations of skills or abilities which are similar to, but so muchsuperior to, our own.("我们欣赏、享受或惊叹的是天才在他们的作品或取得的成就中所展现出的种种技能。尽管天才掌握与我们相近的技能,水平却比我们高得多。)
  • 10、We have a relationship infinitelysuperior to those of many of our friends.(我们之间的关系远比我们许多朋友之间的关系好得多。)
  • 11、The human mind will always besuperior to machines because machines are only tools of human minds.(人类的大脑将永远优越于机器,因为机器仅仅只是人脑的工具。)
  • 12、Are your skillssuperior to others in the same line of work?(在同样的工作岗位上你的技能是否比他人要熟练?)
  • 13、In effect, we feelsuperior to them.(实际上,我们觉得比他们优秀。)
  • 14、Some scholars believe that Yahweh was originally a tribal deity—a god whom the Hebrews worshiped and consideredsuperior to the pagan gods.(一些学者认为耶和华最初是一个部落神——希伯来人崇拜的神,并认为他比异教神更优越。)
  • 15、Some people hold the opinion that reading paper books issuperior to reading e-books in many ways while others argue that reading e-books is much better.(很多人认为阅读纸质书在很多方面优于阅读电子书,而有些人认为阅读电子书更好。)
  • 16、I've personally never subscribed to the view that either sex issuperior to the other.(我个人从未持有过一种性别比另一种性别优越的观点。)
  • 17、This model is technicallysuperior to its competitors.(这一款式在技术上超过了与之竞争的产品。) haO86.com
  • 18、It cannot be questioned that the new method issuperior to the old one.(新方法比旧方法好,这是毫无疑义的。)
  • 19、Composition alone can't give you the answer to the question of why is the plywoodsuperior to the solid pine board.(只用组成成分无法解答为什么胶合板要优于松木板这个问题。)
  • 20、Loxapine issuperior to chlorpromazine in the treatment of hebephrenia.(洛沙平在治疗肝硬化方面优于氯丙嗪。)
  • 21、They acknowledge that, in a few cases, home schooling offers educational opportunitiessuperior to those found in most public schools, but few parents can provide such educational advantages.(他们承认,在一些情况下,家庭学校提供的教育机会要优于大多数公立学校,但很少有父母能提供这样的优质教育。)
  • 22、I have visited hotels throughout the country and have noticed that in those built before 1930 the quality of the original carpentry work is generallysuperior to that in hotels built afterward.(我参观过全国各地的酒店,注意到1930年以前建造的酒店,其木工手艺的质量通常要优于后来建造的酒店。)
  • 23、Nor is one generallysuperior to the other.(也不是说一个就比另外一个优越。)
  • 24、Japan's higher education issuperior to theirs.(日本的高等教育比他们的好。)
  • 25、Master and mistress say thou to their servants, thesuperior to the inferior.(主人和主妇对他们的仆人讨论你,上等人也会对下等人说。)
  • 26、The technological knowledge needed to carve it was farsuperior to that for stamp seals, which had happened in the early Neolithic period.(雕刻它所需要的技术知识远远超过了新石器时代早期出现的印章。)
  • 27、The transdermal enhancing effect of 3% eucalyptus oil and 3% menthene wassuperior to that of 10% clove oil.(3%桉叶油和薄荷油对奥沙普秦渗透性的促进作用强于10%丁香油。)
  • 28、Both were essential and neither wassuperior to the other; they were not in conflict but complementary, each with its own sphere of competence.(两者都是必不可少的,没有一个是优于另一个的;它们互不冲突反而相辅相成,各有其本身的职权范围。)

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