1、To talk about an 'emotional crowd' as opposed to a 'rational crowd', therefore, doesn't make sense.(因此,把“情绪群体”当做是与“理性群体”相对的一个概念来进行探讨毫无意义。)
2、No use jacking the boy up. You shouldtalk sense into him and make him realize he was wrong.(责骂那个男孩是没有用的,你应该给他讲道理,使他认识错误。)
3、If it makes sense to talk about your programming problem in terms of categories of behavior in response to events, your solution is likely to be an explicit state machine.(如果有必要按响应事件行为的类别来讨论编程问题,那么您的解决方案很可能是显式状态机。)
4、But the more PGA Tour people with whom I talk, the more I sense Woods might not return by the Masters.(我与越多的PGA球员谈话,就越觉得老虎·伍兹将不会重返今年的名人赛。)
5、The Followers are here totalk sense into people like you.(末世论者到这来就是为了了解像你这样的人。)
6、Yet it now makes more sense to talk of the BICs.(但是现在不如说“金砖三国”即巴西、印度、中国,更有意义,更准确。)
7、I wish you'dtalk sense.(要是你说有意义的话就好了。)
8、Let's try and talk some sense into her: Tony, do you ever believe in UFO?(让我们试着说服她一下:托尼,你相信过不明飞行物的存在吗?)
9、Don't talk about what we can sense.(不要谈我们所能感知到的。)
10、User testing and common sense are the best guides, and we'll talk about some of the easy ways you can ensure your applications are usable and intuitive in this article.(用户试用和常识是最好的指导,接下来,我们将讨论一些可用来确保应用程序可用和直观的简单方法。)
11、You shouldtalk sense into him and make him realize he was wrong.(你应该给他讲道理,使他认识错误。)
12、People sure like to talk about the competition between these two companies–which makes sense, since it's been going on for at least thirty years–but it's really been pretty quiet in recent years.(人们对于这两家公司之间的竞争一直以来都津津乐道——都争了三十几年了,这也见怪不怪——但是近年来人们开始对这个话题失去兴趣了。)
13、Patients with strokes or other damage to Wernicke's area are able to talk freely, but they cannot comprehend language, and nothing they say makes any sense.(中风的病人或韦尼克区受损的病人能够流利地说话,但他们不能理解语言,他们说的话也是没有任何意义的。)
14、I can't talk specifically about product plans, but I hope that the above gives you a general sense of direction.(我不好具体讨论产品的计划,但是我希望上面的一些描述给你了一个大致的方向。)
15、Since we’re on the topic of reloading classes, and redeploying involves reinitializing an application, it makes sense to talk about session state.(由于我们谈论的话题是重载类,而重部署涉及了应用的重新初始化,因此在这里讨论一下会话状态(sessionstate)是很有意义的。)
16、'it's helpful to listen to gossip. It makes sense to notice what the talk is and to notice how people's responsibilities or jobs are being redefined,' Parker said.(帕克说,听听那些闲话也会有帮助,注意一下大家在谈些什么、各人的职责或者任务有没有调整,这也能提供一些线索。)
17、Whenever I go back, I feel what people in Arizona talk about: a sense of loss and anomie and disbelief that anyone can eat food that spicy.(现在每当我再回到那里,就会跟亚利桑那州人一样有种失落感,而且觉得反常和难以置信:居然有人能吃那么辣的东西!)
18、talk sense and behave yourself. You are not a kid any more.(别乱说话,规矩点,你已经不是个小孩了。) haO86.com
19、This is, for example, one of the reasons why some people talk on the cell phone while they're driving because they don't get the sense that they're driving less well than they actually are.(这就好比是有些人在开车的时候讲电话一样,他们并没有意识到他们比实际上要开的差得多。)
20、While his twin just looks stunned, George takes action and tries totalk sense into Harry by handing the sack back.(乔治把那袋钱交还给哈利并试图和他讲道理。)
21、Pleasetalk sense.(请谈些有意义的话。)
22、You know, in one sense, it's actually easier than social conversation because you are in complete control of where the talk is going.(你知道,从某种意义上说,这实际上比社交谈话更容易,因为你可以完全控制谈话的方向。)
23、Talk to the local chamber of commerce. Find someone you trust who has good business sense.(和你的会计师谈谈,和本地商会的人谈谈,去找那些你信任的并且商业感觉良好的人谈谈。)
24、That's one reason it's hard for them to talk with their parents about ways they are gaining strength, inspiration, and a strong sense of self.(这也是为何孩子们总是很难和父母沟通的原因之一,他们很难和父母谈谈自己如何变得坚强,如何得到灵感,如何实现自我价值。)
25、I wanted an opportunity to talk some sense into him and try to make him see the error of his ways.(我想找个机会给他讲讲道理,尽量让他认识到自身的错误。)
26、YOU can almost sense faint embarrassment, perhaps even a hint of regret, when Europe's co-operative Banks talk about "earnings".(当欧洲的合作银行讨论其“收益”时,您几乎可以从中感到一丝淡淡的尴尬,甚至可能是字里行间所表露出的遗憾。)