
更新时间:2024-08-27 23:21:11



  • 1、When they are nottawdry opportunities to air grievances, settle scores or rationalise errors, they tend to be tales of adversity with a triumphant twist.(作者不是借此机会大吐苦水,一了私人恩怨或为自己的过错辩解,就是讲述自己在逆境中突出重围的陈词滥调。)
  • 2、Classic culture and art have been replaced bytawdry mystifications, exotic rites and vacation photos.(经典文化和艺术已经被低俗的故弄玄虚,外国仪式和假期的照片所替代。)
  • 3、You want me to use my intelligence in atawdry competition?(你想让我把才智浪费在这种华而不实的比赛上吗?)
  • 4、What seemed sweet and sad immediately turns shabby andtawdry.(当时的甜蜜和伤心立马变得卑鄙和恶俗起来。)
  • 5、I looked out from behind the curtain and surveyed the house. it was atawdry affair call cupids and cornucopias like third-rate wedding-cake.(我从帷幔后边扫视整个剧场。真是俗不可耐,尽布置些爱神和丰饶角热闹得像个三等的婚礼蛋糕。)
  • 6、The channel reinvented itself in 1996 as a purveyor oftawdry nostalgia with Pop-Up Video and perfected the form six years later with I Love the 80s.(该频道在1996年把自己重新定位为以弹出视频方式提供华丽怀旧的供应者,在六年后以“我爱80年代”达到了形式的完美。)
  • 7、Fashion? Or justtawdry?(时尚?或者只是庸俗?)
  • 8、Steve Coogan, a comedian whose private life has often been newspaper fodder, complained about "tawdry muckraking" and the "sociopathic" treatment meted out by editors.(私生活经常见报的喜剧演员史蒂夫·库根抱怨被各报刊公然地揭发隐私,遭受到编辑们“反社会的”对待。)
  • 9、The amusement parks of the 1920's and 30's weretawdry, dirty, sleazy places.(该游乐园的20世纪20年代和30年代的俗气,肮脏,肮脏的地方。)
  • 10、Sheldon: You want me to use my intelligence in atawdry competition?(谢尔顿:你想让我把才智铺张在这种华而不实的比赛上吗?)
  • 11、She slopped about her room, unkempt and dishevelled, in hertawdry dressing - gown.(她不修边幅,满头蓬发,穿着俗里俗气的睡衣邋邋遢遢在屋里走来走去。)
  • 12、After thetawdry saga, this biography by Frances Kiernan, a former editor at the New Yorker, goes some way towards restoring Mrs Astor to her throne.(在这个美丽的传奇过后,《纽约人》前任编辑弗朗斯·基尔南为她立传,为的是让亚士多夫人重回宝座。)
  • 13、Shabby, dirty, and vulgar;tawdry.(破旧的,肮脏的,庸俗的;俗丽的。)
  • 14、There is something a littletawdry about tables and cases filled with old jewelry purses, watches, duck decoys and golf clubs, even if they once belonged to a wealthy crook.(桌上及箱子里满是古董珠宝、女式手提袋、豪华腕表、高尔夫球具以及打猎用的诱饵鸭,尽管它们曾经的主人是一位富有的“世纪巨骗”,但这些物品看起来有些廉价而俗丽。)
  • 15、A oncetawdry media product has become fashionable.(这一媒体产物曾花哨俗气,现在却时髦风行。) haO86.com
  • 16、There is only one way to get to the bottom of thistawdry affair: Appoint a bipartisan, 9/11-style commission to investigate all of the allegations and issue a public report.(要彻底查明这桩龌龊事件,只有一个办法:指派一个由两党成员组成的、像调查9·11事件那样的委员会,对所有的指控进行调查,并发布公开报告。)
  • 17、Maybe we should resist thetawdry temptation of some Transatlantic travelling courtesy of air miles? Here are some alternative Suggestions as to what we might do with our old mobile handsets.(或许我们应该抵制某些借用航空里程跨大西洋旅行的低俗诱惑?)
  • 18、The past was not as golden, nor is the present astawdry, as the pessimists suggest, but the only thing really worth arguing about is the future.(过去不尽是辉煌,现在也不像悲观人士所说的那样俗艳不堪,但只有未来才值得畅想和讨论。)



英 [ˈtɔ:dri] 美 [ˈtɔdri] 
副词: tawdrily 比较级: tawdrier 最高级: tawdriest 名词: tawdriness
