1、Strong leadership skill while possessing a greatteam spirit。(有很高的领导艺术和很强的集体精神。)
2、team spirit is necessary not only for a team's success but also for personal development.(团队精神不仅对一个团队的成功是必要的,而且对个人发展来说也是必要的。)
3、He possesses strong leadership skills and a greatteam spirit.(他有很高的领导艺术和很强的集体精神。)
4、It should involve fair play,team spirit and individual excellence.(它包括公平比赛,团队精神和个人能力。)
5、Can work under pressure and goodteam spirit.(能够在压力下工作和良好的团队精神。)
6、I have strong leadership skills while also processing a greatteam spirit.(我有很强的领导才能,并具有很强的集体精神。)
7、Peter: Don't say that. It owes to your efforts andteam spirit.(皮特:不要这么说,这要归功于你的努力和团队精神。)
8、"Tolerance, respect, andteam spirit are important," Patrick Vieira notes.(“宽容、尊重和团队精神非常重要,”帕特里克·维埃拉指出。)
9、team spirit nurtured through group keyboard music lessons.(培养团队协作的音乐集体键盘课。)
10、Product set factory employeesteam spirit.(积集全厂员工的团队精神。)
11、I also enjoy theteam spirit of basketball.(我喜欢篮球及篮球活动中的集体精神。)
12、I think it a good way to build theteam spirit with an activity where all of us can enjoy ourselves.(我认为进行一次可以让所有人都享受其中的活动是建立团队精神的好方式。)
13、In modern society,team spirit has been attached much importance to.(现代社会高度重视团队精神。)
14、This will go a long way in developingteam spirit.(这样对团队合作精神大有帮助。)
15、Group activities will be organized after class to help children developteam spirit.(课后将组织小组活动以培养孩子的团队精神。)
16、Working in a project is a good practice ofteam spirit.(在同一个项目工作是团队精神的最好锻炼。)
17、With a highteam spirit.(极高的团队合作精神。)
18、There is a great sense ofteam spirit in the squad.(这个班有很高的团队忠诚度。) [hao86.com好工具]
19、Of course, when joining in I see we have goodteam spirit.(当然,当加盟的时候我看到我们有很好的球队精神。)
20、team spirit - Create an environment of camaraderie.(团队精神——创造一个充满友好同志关系的环境。)
21、Itworks there and there is greatteam spirit on those teams.(在那行得通,而且那些团队也具有伟大的团队精神。)
22、Such activities teach children crucial life skills such asteam spirit and learning to take the rough with the smooth.(这种活动教会孩子们一些至关重要的生活技能,如团队精神和学会泰然自若。)
23、Theteam spirit and shared values of the athletes on Bowerman's teams carried over and provided the basis for the collegial style of management that characterized the early years of Nike.(鲍尔曼团队中运动员的团队精神和共同价值观得以传承,并为耐克早期的学院式管理风格提供了基础。)
24、A: I think it would have to be buildingteam spirit among my co-workers.(答:我认为是我在同事之间建立起了团队精神。)
25、Goodteam spirit, good organization, rigorous in one's work.(良好的团队精神、组织能力、严格的工作作风。)
26、Good communication skills andteam spirit.(善于沟通和良好的团队精神。)
27、Have good sense ofteam spirit.(具有较好的团队合作精神。)
28、When kids participate in sport games just for fun, they will gain pleasure from the games, cultivate friendship with others and developteam spirit.(当孩子们为了娱乐而参与体育运动的时候,他们可以从中获得快乐,与他人建立友谊,并能树立良好的团队精神。)
29、team spirit is the core of enterprise culture.(团队精神,是企业文化的核心。)