
take a hand in造句

take a hand in造句

更新时间:2025-02-16 22:07:23


take a hand in造句

  • 1、Usage: Take a few drops of water with the appropriate amount, and in his hand a stirring coating on the skin, with specific moisture to the skin moisturizing began.(使用方法:取几滴水伴加上等量的适宜水分,在手里稍作搅拌涂于皮肤,用针对性的水分开始对肌肤补水。)
  • 2、Over one particularly grueling Spring Festival commuting experience, He and Shi went in together on a second-hand car to avoid having to take the train during the holiday crush.(经过一次让人筋疲力尽的春运,何之冠和石朝东决定合资买一辆二手车,避免在节日期间挤火车。)
  • 3、And I remember like, when you see someone you haven't seen in a while, you want to hug them, and I remember trying to reach out to my ex-husband, and he would not take my hand.(当你看见阔别的某人会想要拥抱他们,我记得当时就像这个情景,我想要触碰我的前夫,他却不想拉我的手。)
  • 4、Those who were striving to grasp the general course of events, and trying by self-sacrifice and heroism totake a hand in it, were the most useless members of society;(那些试图理解天下大事所趋,并想以自我牺牲和英勇作战行为去参与天下大事的人们,是社会中最无用的成员;)
  • 5、Walter Zapp, a Latvian engineer, developed a portable camera in 1937 that would fit easily into the palm of a hand and take high-quality pictures.(拉脱维亚工程师沃尔特·扎普(WalterZapp)在1937年发明了这款便携式照相机,它可以轻松的用手握住,拍出的照片质量非常高。)
  • 6、Thanks a million. Now, the names of the competitors who can go into next round are in my hand. Please take a deep breath, and I'll announce then.(非常感谢俄语班的节目。现在进入下一轮的选手的名单已经在这里了,请选手们深吸一口气,仔细听我们的宣布。)
  • 7、At halftime I headed back for another round, and this time a lady at the counter asked me to take my New York State driver's license out of the plastic window in the wallet and hand it to her.(中场休息时,我又去买,这次就没那么顺利了,女柜员让我再出示纽约州的驾驶执照,而且要从皮夹的塑料套子中取出来,交到她手里。)
  • 8、In this last factor, and in this last factor alone, can the engineers of the money machinetake a hand in controlling the answer to this equation, or any other such.(而且,只有在最后的因素中,货币机制的设计师能控制这个方程序或任何其他方程序的结果。)
  • 9、On the other hand, a function should be used when you aren't interested in selected elements because you already know the elements on the page on which you will take action.(另一方面,函数应该在对选定元素不感兴趣时使用,因为您已经知道要执行操作的页面元素。)
  • 10、In fact, you can take a cue from GCC: Maintain many sets of environment variables per application and switch from one pool to another depending on the work at-hand.(事实上,您可以从GCC获得一个暗示:可以为每个应用程序维护多个环境变量集合,根据手边的工作从一个集合切换到另一个集合。)
  • 11、The PC may have been personal; a smartphone or tablet, held in your hand rather than perched on your desk, is almost intimate, and you can take it almost anywhere.(个人电脑可能已经个性化了,而一个能拿在手里而不是摆在桌上的智能手机或者平板电脑,更成了你的亲密伙伴,你几乎可以带它到任何地方。)
  • 12、Fortunately I have a brother who has always been very fashion-conscious, and he'd take me in hand every few years when my fashion sense got too out of touch with reason and social acceptability.(所幸的是我有个老哥,总是保持着前沿的时尚意识,每隔几年,当我的时尚感脱节到不能为社会和理智所接受的时候,老哥就来拯救我了。)
  • 13、And the Zen master said to him, "Next time when she comes, take a handful of mung beans in your hand and ask her how many beans are inside. She surely cannot answer that.(禅师告诉他:「下次当她来时,你就抓一把绿豆,问她有多少豆子在里面,她一定无法回答,然后她就会自己消失了。)
  • 14、He leant his forehead on his hand, and people, looking in through the open door, — for this scene is supposed to take place on a summer's evening — But how dull this is, this historical fiction!(他把前额倚在自己的手上,于是人们站在敞开的大门外面向里张望——我们假设这个景象发生在夏天的傍晚——可是,所有这一切历史的虚构是多么沉闷啊!)
  • 15、Now finally I want to take up the example, the most controversial example in his essay, one which is a source of outrage for most readers, at the bottom of page 1893 in the left-hand column.(最后我想讲一个例子,也是他的文章中一个最有争议的例子,它激怒了很多读者,在1893页左栏下方。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 16、Take one of these and twist it in the middle and then double it over and hold tight and tie off a hand.(取其中之一从中间扭转它,然后把它折一下,抓紧并系紧做为一只手。)
  • 17、I'm from a into a supermarket, hand much vinegar and soy sauce, but take in is I just get the sort of "oil" to use pocket money with me.(我又从超市一进一出,手上多了醋和酱油,但是搭进去的是我刚才捞的那么点“油水”和我舍不得用的零花钱。)
  • 18、Well, it's on one hand a very large idea to take in, particularly I think if one's working in a university.(这是一个很大的话题,不容易理解,对于在大学中工作学习的人尤为如此。)
  • 19、Sitting down at my desk with a take-out cafe latte from the nearby coffee shop in hand, I turn on my laptop.(拿着我在附近的咖啡店买的一杯牛奶咖啡,我坐在办公桌前启动了电脑。)
  • 20、Outsiders had to take it on trust that all the Shouting and hand-waving by men in brightly coloured jackets meant they were paying, or being paid, a fair price.(那些局外人只能委托那些身着鲜艳马甲的人,他们的高声叫喊夹杂着手势意味着这些局外人能以合理价格买入或卖出。)
  • 21、Then the Lord said to him, "Reach out your hand and take it by the tail." So Moses reached out and took hold of the snake and it turned back into a staff in his hand.(耶和华对摩西说:“伸出手来,拿住它的尾巴,它必在你手中仍变为杖;)
  • 22、There will be always a tent or helicopter close at hand to take shelter in from the adverse weather.(时刻我们都有帐篷或直升机在手边以备在恶劣天气下做庇护之用。)
  • 23、The women's club decided totake a hand in the fundraising campaign for needy children.(妇女俱乐部决定加入为贫困儿童集资的运动。)
  • 24、On the other hand, if you take notes in the form of a learning map you will follow the natural thinking process and make leaps when your thoughts leap.(另一方面,如果你以学习脑图的方式来记笔记,你就能跟随自然的思考模式并在你的思维需要跳跃时发生跳跃。)
  • 25、Take a deep breath in through your nose, and let your belly push your hand out.(用鼻子深吸一口气,然后让腹部推起你的手。)

take a hand in基本释义

take a hand in

英 [teik ə hænd in] 美 [tek e hænd ɪn] 
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