1、Switch to Guardian mode, we'lltake cover in the debris field.(变形为守护者模式,我们要在残骸中隐蔽起来。)
2、It rained so hard we had totake cover in a shop doorway.(雨下得太大了,我们只得在商店出入口处避雨。)
3、The rain came down so suddenly that they had totake cover in an abandoned barn.(雨下得很突然,他们只好在一个废弃的谷仓里避雨。)
4、take cover behind anything that might offer protection.(找任何能够提供保护的地方作为掩体。)
5、Drop, cover, and hold -take cover under a sturdy desk, table, or bench, or against an inside wall, and hold on.(罿蹲下,寻找掩护,抓牢——利用写字台、桌子或者长凳下的空间,或者身子紧贴内部承重墙作为掩护,然后双手抓牢固定物体。)
6、Distract the guards and take them out and move into the room Go out thru the door to the right andtake cover.(分散卫兵的注意力然后干掉他们,进入到下一个房间,从右边的们出去然后找个掩护。)
7、As soon as it begin to rain theytake cover under a big tree.(一开始下雨,他们就躲到一棵大树下避雨。)
8、take cover behind the debris by hitting Q.(然后按Q利用废墟作为掩护。)
9、take cover! 'He's still standing outside. in his shower shoes.(他还是站在外面,穿着他的拖鞋。)
10、Behold, the VX-001 Anti-personnel Assault Cannon! You might want totake cover.(看,VX-001对人激光炮的发射台!你们也许要找些遮蔽。)
11、If you are in a crowded area,take cover where you are.(如果你处于一个比较拥挤的区域内,待在原地则是明智之举。)
12、“This one might explode, ” he yells. “Everyonetake cover.”(他大叫:“这颗可能会爆炸,大家找掩护。”)
13、take cover in the barn as soon as you hear gun fire.(一听见枪声就躲进谷仓里吧。)
14、When you get there, follow Jacob to the front door andtake cover behind the wall as prompted onscreen.(当你有,请雅各布到前门,并采取包括背后的墙上,作为屏幕上的提示。)
15、There was no place where we couldtake cover from the storm.(没有任何地方供我们躲避这场暴风雨。)
16、take cover as soon as you are upstairs and shoot the enemy in the next room.(你上楼以后赶紧找个掩护,然后掉另外一个房间的敌人。)
17、Arthas: We're under attack!take cover!(阿尔塞斯:我们被攻击了!隐蔽!)
18、I saw it with a black frame on the table,take cover, apple has turned out.(只见它拿一个黑罩子放在桌子上,把罩子拿开,苹果就变出来了。)
19、take cover under a sturdy desk, table or other furniture.(躲在坚实的书桌、餐桌或其它家具之下,以此为遮盖物。)
20、take cover under a sturdy desk, table, or bench, or against an inside wall, and hold on.(利用写字台、桌子或者长凳下的空间,或者身子紧贴内部承重墙作为掩护,然后双手抓牢固定物体。)
21、take cover as quickly as you can, below ground if possible, and stay there until instructed to do otherwise.(要迅速寻找掩体,如有可能,躲入地底下,然后呆在那里,直到有听到新的指示,否则不要出来。) 【好工具hao86.com】
22、During an earthquake, people shouldtake cover under a table, near an interior wall or in a doorframe.(在地震时,人们应当藏在桌子下,靠近内墙或者门框。)
23、If you're insidetake cover in a basement or storeroom shelter.(如果你在地下室里面或者储藏室里。)
24、Shoot him andtake cover behind the wall.(掉他以后走到墙后面。)
25、You better run, you bettertake cover.(你最好跑开、最好躲起来。)
26、Drop down;take cover under a desk or table and hold on.(卧倒;躲在课桌或餐桌下,保持不动。)