1、Itake pride in this Great Wall, and I plaster it with dust and sand.(我以这垛高墙作为自豪,而用沙土把它埋得结结实实。)
2、Love yourself.take pride in all your unique glory.(爱自己,为自己所有独一无二的魅力感到骄傲。)
3、If the answer is that you've done your best, accept it,take pride in your efforts, and move on.(如果答案是你已经尽了最大的努力,那就接受它,为自己所做出的努力感到自豪,继续生活下去。)
4、Wetake pride in all of the cooking games and other food games we add to our website.(我们对所有添加到我们网站上的烹饪游戏和其他食品游戏感到自豪。)
5、Each of us has the right totake pride in our particular faith or heritage.(我们每个人都有权为自己的信仰或传统而感到自豪。)
6、Do things that make you proud, thentake pride in what you do.(做能让你自豪的事情,然后为你所做的事情自豪,为你自身感到骄傲。)
7、Still, her mother, who had grown up in Czechoslovakia, taught Mary and her siblings totake pride in themselves.(然而,在捷克斯洛伐克长大的妈妈还是教导玛丽和她的姊妹们要以自己为荣。)
8、take pride in your opinions and ideas. Don't be afraid to voice them.(为自己的点子而自豪。不要害怕让人知道。)
9、We reuse as much as we can. Together, wetake pride in living in a clean, airy, uncluttered home.(我们从图书馆借书替代买书,能够重复利用的我们都不丢弃,我们都为能居住在一个整洁干净的屋子里而感到自豪。)
10、take pride in your work, and go the extra mile.(要为你的工作而自豪,忍受工作的艰辛。)
11、Over the next few weeks, with mother's constant encouragement, I learned totake pride in being the narrator.(往后的几个星期,在母亲的一再鼓励下,我渐渐地为担任旁白的角色感到骄傲。)
12、I started totake pride in what I was writing.(我开始为我写的东西自豪。)
13、Cantonese restaurantstake pride in their enormous fish tanks.(广东菜馆以有大量的鱼为傲。)
14、That said the default tray icon might grate on those whotake pride in their desktops' appearance.(这个缺点的意思就是默认的托盘图标可能会惹恼那些为其桌面外观而洋洋自得的人。)
15、Do your part andtake pride in your neighborhood or work area.(做好你的一部分,夸赞邻居的工作,以他们为豪,或是爱你工作的地方。)
16、Celebrate your gifts, enjoy them, but don 'ttake pride in them,take pride in your decision and hardwork.(为你的天赋欢呼,享受它们带来的乐趣,但为自己作出的决定和勤奋工作,而感到自豪。)
17、take pride in what you do.(为你所做的事感到自豪。)
18、Wetake pride in offering you the highest standards.(我们以向您提供最高标准的服务而自豪。) Hao86.com
19、They are able to focus on their accomplishments andtake pride in themselves.(他们注重自己的成就(能力)并为自己感到自豪。)
20、Any time youtake pride in your work and decide to do more than expected, you'll rise to the top.(任何时候当你以你的工作为荣,并且下定决心超出别人对自己的期待时,你就可以到达顶峰。)
21、Both India and South Africatake pride in their new multinational champions.(印度和南非都津津乐道本国新跨国公司。)
22、Itake pride in Dazhou.(我以达州为荣。)
23、The experience on Main Street stimulated self-improvement, and encouraged members totake pride in their home grounds and the total community.(在主街的经历促进了自我完善,并鼓励成员为自己的家园和整个社区感到自豪。)
24、Health and education are indeed the most prominent accomplishments most Cubans say theytake pride in.(医疗及教育确实是大多数古巴人所引以为傲的显著成就。)