
the Great Wall of China造句

the Great Wall of China造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 21:42:11


the Great Wall of China造句

  • 1、the Great Wall of China also recently introduced a designated graffiti zone.(最近,中国长城也专门开辟了一块指定的涂鸦区。)
  • 2、the Great Wall of China is not visible from space.(太空中看不到中国的长城。)
  • 3、How about going tothe Great Wall of China.(去中国的万里长城怎么样?)
  • 4、This isthe Great Wall of China.(这就是中国的长城。)
  • 5、To seethe Great Wall of China from the Moon you would have to be able to discern a human hair from two miles away.(想要从月球看到中国的长城,你的视力必须得能从两英里外看清楚人的一根头发丝儿。)
  • 6、the Great Wall of China had a vital link to the Forbidden City.(中国的长城对于紫禁城来说是一个很重要的环节。)
  • 7、Here is a famous story aboutthe Great Wall of China.(这里有一个关于中国长城的著名故事。)
  • 8、They have arranged for us to visitthe Great Wall of China tomorrow. I believe that we'll have a great time there.(他们已经安排好了让我们明天去游览长城。我相信我们在那儿一定会玩得很开心。)
  • 9、the Great Wall of China is a series of walls made of stones, bricks, and other materials.(中国长城是由石头、砖和其他材料制成的一道城墙。)
  • 10、He sent the young men to buildthe Great Wall of China.(他派年轻人去建造中国的长城。)
  • 11、Paying a visit tothe Great Wall of China.(我很想去参观中国的万里长城。)
  • 12、On that day they were escorted tothe Great Wall of China.(他们那天和陪同人员一道去游览了中国的长城。)
  • 13、the Great Wall of China is known to people all over the world .(全世界的人都知道中国的万里长城。)
  • 14、I knowthe Great Wall of China.(我知道中国的万里长城。)
  • 15、One of my most memorable moments was atthe Great Wall of China.(一个最具有纪念意义的时刻就是在中国的长城。)
  • 16、There are many factories, artists, and craftsmen withinthe Great Wall of China.(在中国有许多的工厂,艺术家和手工艺者。)
  • 17、I visitedthe Great Wall of China today!(今天我去参观了长城!)
  • 18、Built to ward off invaders,the Great Wall of China was constructed in sections over several centuries.(万里长城为了抵御入侵而建造,分了几个段落,经历了几个世纪才建成。) hAo86.com
  • 19、Connie: Have you ever seenthe Great Wall of China?(康妮:你见过中国的长城吗?)
  • 20、the Great Wall of China is one of the wonders of the world.(中国的万里长城是世界奇观之一。)
  • 21、the Great Wall of China was built around 214 BC.(中国的长城大约在公元前214年建造。)
  • 22、There is no doubting thatthe Great Wall of China is, er, is one of the greatest historical artifacts in the world.(毫无疑问,中国长城是世界上的一个历史性的杰作。)
  • 23、In a way,the Great Wall of China belongs to the world, too.(从某种意义上来说,中国的长城是属于全世界的。)
  • 24、the Great Wall of China is the only man-made structure visible from space.(中国的长城是从太空中用肉眼能看见的唯一人工建筑。)
  • 25、One of my major thrills was visitingthe Great Wall of China.(最让我激动的事情之一就是参观长城。)

the Great Wall of China基本释义

the Great Wall of China

