更新时间:2025-03-02 20:38:11
throw up造句
- 1、In the short run, Lisbon willthrow up almost as many problems as it is supposed to solve.(从短期来看,里斯本条约几乎抛开了所有它应该解决的问题。)
- 2、The smell made me want tothrow up.(这味道使得我想呕吐。)
- 3、The lesson of the recent talks is that Belfast seems fated tothrow up recurring crises.(当前会谈的教训在于贝尔法斯特看起来注定要结束反复发生的危机。)
- 4、I felt like I was going tothrow up for 2 hours this morning.(今早上有2个小时我感觉自己(紧张的)都要吐了。)
- 5、Accelerators canthrow up instantly recognisable results.(加速器可以立即猛地举起认出的结果。)
- 6、Destiny willthrow up so many new opportunities.(命运会给你很多新的机会。)
- 7、Some womenthrow up as labor progresses, even if they haven't been eating.(有些妈咪会在临产过程中呕吐,即使她们什么都没有吃。)
- 8、M: did youthrow up or did you have the runs?(M:你有没有呕吐或拉肚子?)
- 9、All that brainstorms do isthrow up lots of new ideas that then have to be rejected.(所有的头脑风暴不过是抛出大量新想法然后一个个被否决掉的过程。)
- 10、But in dressing rooms in department stores, you look in the mirror and you want tothrow up.(但是在百货商店化妆室的镜子一照,你就要呕吐。)
- 11、I'm going tothrow up.(我快吐了。)
- 12、Alcoholics get special treatment making themthrow up every time they drink alcohol.(酗酒者得到特殊的治疗让他们每次在喝酒后呕吐。) [hao86.com好工具]
- 13、When Ithrow up a hammer, then the hammer will do very weird things.(当我抛起一把铁锤时,它也会奇怪地运动。)
- 14、It's a drug that we take if we want tothrow up.(是一种我们想要促使自己呕吐时才服用的药。)
- 15、I want tothrow up.(我想吐。)
- 16、I'm gonnathrow up.(我要吐了。)
- 17、People shouldn't justthrow up their hands and say, 'Sixty minutes?(人们不应该放弃,说60分钟?)
- 18、Any change that breaks old function will abruptlythrow up red flags.(任何破坏旧功能的更改将突然抛出红色标志。)
- 19、I think I'm going tothrow up.(我想我快吐了。)
- 20、So the analysis you do might notthrow up anything that people didn't know before.(所以你做的分析可能总结不出人们之前不知道的事情。)
- 21、Suppose I take a tennis ball 100 and Ithrow up a tennis ball in 26.100.(比如,我拿了个网球,把它向上抛26。)
- 22、A real pandemic, of course, wouldthrow up a host of other problems.(当然,真正的禽流感大流行还会引发一大堆其它问题。)
- 23、You don't want him tothrow up on the carpet in the hall, but you keep your mouth shut.(你不希望他呕吐在客厅的地毯上,但你闭上了嘴。)
- 24、Then they'll quietly slip away to pray orthrow up or something.(然后他们静静的逃掉,到一边祈祷或者呕吐或者别的什么去了。)
- 25、When wethrow up an object in a gravitational field, you have the trajectory in a plane.(当我们把一个物体,放到引力场中,我们会得到在一个平面上的轨迹。)
- 26、Dronesthrow up a tangle of ethical questions.(无人机“抛出了”一系列道德上的质疑。)
throw up
英 [θrəu ʌp] 美 [θro ʌp]
呕吐; 恶心; 匆匆建造; 产生; 放弃