
the same as造句

the same as造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 21:41:56


the same as造句

  • 1、Mean European temperatures were aboutthe same as today, perhaps slightly cooler.(欧洲的平均气温和今天差不多,可能略低一些。)
  • 2、Sounding real is notthe same as being real.(听上去真实并不表示它就是真实的。)
  • 3、We treat boys exactlythe same as girls.(男孩、女孩我们完全同等对待。)
  • 4、I'd like onethe same as yours.(我要一个和你一样的。)
  • 5、Knowing what to do is notthe same as being able to do it.(知道做什么和能够做什么是不一样的。)
  • 6、This year's results are virtuallythe same as last year's.(今年的结果几乎和去年的一样。)
  • 7、Ultimately though, we'rethe same as our readers.(从根本上说,我们和我们的读者是一样的。)
  • 8、He was exactlythe same as ever, and Wendy saw at once that he still had all his first teeth.(他和以前正一样,温迪立刻就看出他还长着所有乳牙。)
  • 9、"They'rethe same as us," said Dickon, "only they have to build their homes every year."(“它们和我们一样,”狄肯说,“只是它们每年都要重建家园。”)
  • 10、Your secret answer cannot bethe same as your secret question.(机密问题答案不能与机密问题相同。)
  • 11、Modelling yourself on someone you admire is notthe same as aping all they say or do.(以你仰慕的某个人为榜样并不等于模仿他们的全部言行。)
  • 12、This pen isthe same as David's pen.(这支钢笔和大卫的那支一样。)
  • 13、Drunk,the same as usual, likely—blamed old rip!(可能跟平常一样喝醉了——该死的老东西!)
  • 14、My new job is muchthe same as the old one.(我的新工作和旧工作差不多。)
  • 15、The Moon's mean density is much lower than that of Earth but is aboutthe same as that of Earth's mantle.(月球的平均密度比地球低得多,但与地球的地幔密度大致相同。)
  • 16、I had a normal life,the same as all my brothers and sisters — other bottles full of water.(我过着普通的生活,就像我的兄弟姐妹们——其他装满了水的瓶子一样。)
  • 17、Second, we judge the extent to which we arethe same as or different from others.(第二,我们判断我们与其他人相同或不同的程度。)
  • 18、Working hard isn'tthe same as working smart.(聪明地工作和努力地工作不同。)
  • 19、It is notthe same as driving a car.(这和开车可不一样。)
  • 20、I mean, it's a relationship,the same as a marriage is a relationship.(我是说,这是一种关系,跟婚姻是一种关系一样。)
  • 21、As any geriatric ward shows, that is notthe same as to confer enduring mobility, awareness and autonomy.(正如任何老年病房所显示的那样,这与赋予病人持久的行动、意识和自主权是不一样的。)
  • 22、I thinkthe same as you do about this.(在这件事上,我的想法和你一样。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 23、Rick hasn't changed. He looks exactlythe same as he did at school.(里克一点儿没变,他和上学时一模一样。)
  • 24、The shirt I received is notthe same as is shown online.(我收到的衬衫和网上展示的不一样。)
  • 25、They began to want their father to bethe same as other daddies.(他们开始想要自己的爸爸和别人的爸爸一样。)
  • 26、I amthe same as you.(我和你一样。)
  • 27、Moreover, understanding the brain is notthe same as understanding the mind.(此外,理解大脑和理解思维是不一样的。)
  • 28、For some people, this isthe same as creativity, but not all of us are creative types.(对于有些人来说,这等同于创造力,但不是我们所有人都是创新型的人。)
  • 29、Sometimes we feel we are acting correctly when we dothe same as others.(有时候,当我们和别人做同样的事情时,我们会觉得自己的行为是正确的。)
  • 30、Being different, they point out hurriedly, is notthe same as being better or worse.(他们匆忙地指出,与众不同并不等同于更好或更坏。)

the same as基本释义

the same as

英 [ðə seim æz] 美 [ði sem æz] 

与…同样的; 无异; 何啻