trade in造句

更新时间:2025-01-05 21:35:49


trade in造句

  • 1、Internationaltrade in edible insects would almost certainly increase.(食用昆虫的国际贸易几乎肯定会大为增长。)
  • 2、He urged the revival of the slave-trade in the late 1850s, and he developed a theory of what he called warranteeism.(他在19世纪50年代后期力促奴隶贸易的复兴,并提出了一种他称之为担保主义的理论。)
  • 3、Can a buyer and sellertrade in such a situation?(那么销售者和消费者能否在这种情况下达成交易呢?)
  • 4、Futures do nottrade in shares like stocks.(期货交易不像股票那样分发股份。)
  • 5、Want to work in the wigtrade in Texas?(想在德克萨斯从事假发行业?)
  • 6、Two years ago we bannedtrade in shark fins on all our sites.(两年前,阿里巴巴集团下面所有的网站被禁止交易鱼翅。)
  • 7、Vendors were doing a brisktrade in souvenirs.(小贩们的纪念品生意很兴隆。)
  • 8、The two kings went intotrade in partnership.(两位国王开始合伙做生意。)
  • 9、Rising prices fuel thetrade in fakes and also lead to more grave-robbing.(高涨的价格也令赝品交易火上浇油,还引起更多盗墓行径。)
  • 10、“We say settlements are illegal, so how can wetrade in illegal goods?” asks one.(一个人问道,“我们说定居点是非法的,那么我们怎么能对非法产品进行交易呢?”)
  • 11、But that would stimulate a privatetrade in e-mailed articles.(但是那会刺激通过电邮文章进行私下交易。)
  • 12、They were, after all, responsible for about $13 trillion oftrade in 2005, and the WTO underpins this success.(毕竟他们在2005年做成了13万亿的国际贸易,而世贸组织是这个成就的基石。)
  • 13、The interiortrade in both countries boomed again.(两国的国内贸易也重新繁荣起来。)
  • 14、Black marketstrade in nuclear secrets and materials.(黑市上还在进行核秘密和和物质的交易。)
  • 15、The black markettrade in exotic carnivorous plants is so vigorous now that botanists are keeping the location of some rare species a secret.(现在,外来食肉植物的黑市交易非常活跃,以至于植物学家一直对某些稀有物种的位置三缄其口。)
  • 16、Cheaper Japanese silk,trade in which was greatly facilitated by the opening of the Suez Canal, was one of the many factors driving the trend.(随着苏伊士运河的开通极大地促进了日本丝绸贸易,更廉价的日本丝绸是推动这一趋势的众多因素之一。)
  • 17、Long-distancetrade in obsidian probably gave the elite residents of Teotihuacán access to a wide variety of exotic good, as well as a relatively prosperous life.(黑曜石的长途贸易可能给特奥蒂瓦坎的精英居民提供了各种各样的异国商品,以及相对富裕的生活。)
  • 18、The governor aired some ideas about pepping uptrade in the region.(政府宣传在该地区促进贸易的一些想法。)
  • 19、Where is thetrade in that?(在哪儿交易呢?)
  • 20、Want to work in the wigtrade in Texas? You will need to take 300 hours of classes and pass both written and practical exams.(想在德克萨斯州从事假发买卖?你就需要学习300小时的课程并通过笔试和实践考试。)
  • 21、The entiretrade in Congolese minerals needs cleaning up.(刚果矿产资源的整个市场需要整顿。)
  • 22、Now I've a feeling that we can do a lot oftrade in this line.(现在我感觉我们在这方面可以做不少买卖。)
  • 23、They do a livelytrade in souvenirs and gifts.(他们做纪念品和礼品生意,做得有声有色。)
  • 24、Youtrade in control and speed, for ease of use.(你得到了使用的便利,失却了对程序的控制和速度。)
  • 25、The internationaltrade in semen and embryos from cloned animals created in north and south America and beyond was effectively impossible to police.(在北美,南美以及其他一些地方生产的精子和克隆动物胚胎,其在国际范围内的交易已经无法加以有效监管。)

trade in基本释义

trade in

英 [treid in] 美 [treid ɪn] 
以旧换新; 买卖