
pull out of造句

pull out of造句

更新时间:2024-12-22 21:13:02


pull out of造句

  • 1、It may be the last big European economy topull out of recession.(它或将晚于其他欧洲大经济体走出这场衰退。)
  • 2、The train began topull out of the station – then suddenly shuddered to a halt.(火车开始驶出车站–然后就突然剧烈震动停了下来。)
  • 3、As youpull out of the driveway, the network to which you both belong automatically alerts her that you are on your way.(随着您离开私人车道,你们两位共属的网络就自动将您正在路上这个消息通知她。)
  • 4、On October 3rd he said Fiat wouldpull out of Confindustria(10), Italy’s employers’ association, and negotiate its own labour deals.(就在10月3日,他宣布退出意大利的雇主联盟协会-工业联盟。)
  • 5、Another possibility is that Rio willpull out of the planned iron-ore joint venture if regulators impose too many conditions.(另一种可能是,如果企划者施加过多条件,力拓则可能会放弃铁矿石合资企业计划。)
  • 6、The circus is planning topull out of the suburb park tomorrow morning.(马戏团计划明天上午离开城郊公园。)
  • 7、She was forced topull out of the transaction in September because of the possible takeover by Mr Yeung.(但因为杨国强可能进行的收购,她被迫在9月取消了上述交易。)
  • 8、The security concerns surrounding Yu's case led one South Korean clothing company topull out of Kaesong this week.(人们对这位于姓韩国人的安全很是担心,这导致一家韩国服装厂这个星期撤出开城。)
  • 9、Novak Djokovic has been forced topull out of next week's Monte Carlo Masters because of a knee injury.(诺瓦克·德约科维奇因膝伤被迫退出下周即将举行的蒙特卡洛大师赛。)
  • 10、If you get in your car in Los Angeles to drive to New York, do you justpull out of your driveway and start down the road?(如果你准备从洛杉矶出发开车到纽约去,你会开着车直接上路吗?)
  • 11、STEVEN EKOVICH: "the problems are long-term, they're deep." It's going to take a long time for Tunisia topull out of it.(STEVENEKOVICH:“该问题是长期和深入的,这将需要相当长的时间将突尼斯拯救出来。”)
  • 12、This embarrassing prospect is so serious that some claim it prompted the Kremlin to discuss whether topull out of the Council of Europe.(这个尴尬的景象如此严峻,甚至有人指出,这一情况将促使克里姆林宫就是否退出欧洲议会进行讨论。)
  • 13、Sterling has been hit by the economy's failure topull out of recession.(由于经济没能摆脱衰退,英镑遭受了重创。)
  • 14、On Wednesday, Finland voted in favour of expanding the fund's powers despite earlier threats topull out of a rescue plan for Greece.(在周三,芬兰也通过赞成救援金扩充,虽然芬兰曾威胁要从希腊救援计划中抽身。)
  • 15、The manger is abhorrent, actually, is the most hateful topull out of the pit shit, etc.(占着茅坑不拉屎是可恶的,其实,最可恨的却是拉完了屎还要占着等坑。)
  • 16、The World Bank shouldpull out of the project.(世界银行应该退出这个项目。)
  • 17、An intermediary is a bank, so when theypull out of banks they were disintermediating and going from banks into REITs.(这里的中介就是指银行,所以人们将资金从银行转向REITs,就是去中介化)
  • 18、New Entity's parent group was shocked into action earlier this year when investors began topull out of the group.(在投资者开始退出时,新实体公司的母公司在今年的早期由震惊变成行动。)
  • 19、During the primaries he threatened topull out of the North American Free-Trade Agreement (NAFTA) unless it was renegotiated.(在初选中他还威胁如果不重新谈判就推出北美自由贸易协定。)
  • 20、France was going topull out of NATO.(法国准备退出北大西洋公约组织。)
  • 21、The World Bank warns there is no guarantee the global economy willpull out of its deepest recession in decades.(世界银行警告说,全球经济无法保证能从数十年来最深重的衰退中复苏。)
  • 22、The militia in Lebanon has agreed topull out of Beirut.(黎巴嫩的民兵组织已经同意撤出贝鲁特。) hAo86.com
  • 23、Can Nagasakipull out of the spiral?(长崎可以走出衰退的漩涡吗?)
  • 24、Earlier this week the tyre-maker Bridgestone announced it wouldpull out of F1 at the end of the 2010 season after 13 years in the sport.(本周早些时候,赞助f1赛事达13年之久的普利司通宣布,在2010赛季结束后他们将退出F1。)
  • 25、He notes that in more than a century of the game, only two clubs have ever had topull out of the league because of bankruptcy.(他提醒说,在这个拥有超过一个世纪历史的联赛中,仅有两家俱乐部因为破产而退出联盟。)
  • 26、When you're with your friend you don't think about what you should say next or what funny comment you couldpull out of your sleeve.(当你和朋友在一起的时候,你不会去想接下来我应该说什么或者我应该提出什么有意思的话题。)

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