1、You can release God’s power of forgiveness as youput into practice three keys to living in freedom.(当你为了使生活中充满自由快乐而努力练习三个关键内容的时候,你可以学着像上帝一样去宽容别人。)
2、But that's hard advice toput into practice sometimes.(可是有时候这是个难以付诸实施的建议。)
3、It remains to be seen whether or not this idea can beput into practice.(这一想法能否付诸实践还有待于观察。) hAo86.com
4、A year on, the thinking is more rigorous-if no less idealistic-and is increasingly beingput into practice.(一年开始,若不是不少点理想主义,这样的想法会更加缜密,也会加快付诸于实践。)
5、I've gathered 7 tips you canput into practice immediately for more happiness in your life.(本文收集了7条能够让你的生活变得更幸福的小贴士,赶快践行它们,让生活变得更幸福吧。)
6、We just need toput into practice what we already know. Be a doer of the Word.(我们只需将所知付诸实践,做个真正的实干家。)
7、People are fragile, especially those who don'tput into practice what I'm saying in this article.(人们是脆弱的,即使是那些不按照我在这篇文章中所说的去做的那些人们。)
8、All of this seems straightforward enough, once you know about it, yet it can be difficult toput into practice.(所有的这些已经说得够明了的了,即使你已经知道了,你依然可能觉得它是难以付诸实践。)
9、Ms Masonput into practice what she learned at SOM, and ran her feeding programme like a business.(梅森把她在耶鲁大学管理学院的所学付诸实践,并像经营企业一样经营她的食品计划。)
10、These are some of the basic height increasing exercises that you may want toput into practice.(这是一些你或许想付出实践的基本增高练习。)
11、Learn to be an editor, listening to others' input and shaping those ideas as they areput into practice.(在实施创意的过程中,学会充当编辑的角色,倾听他人的建议,不断完善创意。)
12、The potential for mobile TV is vast, in short—but so is the degree of uncertainty over how it should actually beput into practice.(简而言之,移动电视的潜力是巨大的——但是其不可确定的程度取决于将之投入实用之后的具体表现。)
13、With its journalists freshly trained in the use of such material, theory was quicklyput into practice.(随着工作人员们初次把学到的社交媒体的方法运用到新闻报道中,理论迅速变成了实践。)
14、It shows the class diagram, the various configuration files and code snippets to show how the above design isput into practice.(它展示了类关系图、各种配置文件和显示如何将上述设计付诸实行的代码片段。)
15、Huntington says the idea of quantum teleportation has been around for about ten years, but has been difficult toput into practice.(亨廷顿说,量子传送的想法已经产生接近十年了,但很难述诸于现实。她说,“曾有两种实现传送的方法,但都有其局限性。”)
16、The answer is simple, though not always so easy toput into practice: learn to be present.(答案很简单,尽管这一点并不总是可以轻易做到,那就是——活在当下!)
17、Mr. Mortenson's idea for 2011 is a simple one conceptually but difficult toput into practice.(格瑞戈*莫滕森给2011年提出的是个很好明白但很难实践的建议。)
18、While Mr Buffett's advice is sound in principle, it is not easy toput into practice.(虽然从原则上讲,巴菲特的建议十分合理,但实践起来并不容易。)
19、It is to be decided whether this idea can beput into practice.(这个想法是否能够实施还有待于决定。)
20、It has been held out for more than 5 years as a promising technique in theory, but this is the first time it has beenput into practice.(在五年多前,理论上已经被证实可行,但这才是它的首次实践运用。)
21、Q: It is reported that the prisoner swap agreement between Hamas and Israel isput into practice today.(问:据报道,哈马斯同以色列达成的换俘协议已于今天开始执行。)
22、After this consultative process, a refined Plan was thenput into practice.(在此沟通和交流过程后,一个精炼的计划就会付诸实施。)
23、Some ideas can make a difference build more barrier free facilities and employ more workers to protect them but hard to beput into practice, because both of them require money.(有些想法可以产生影响,比如建造更多的无障碍设施,雇佣更多的工人来维护它们,但这些想法很难付诸实施,因为这些都需要资金。)
24、The difference between successful and unsuccessful people is that successful peopleput into practice the things they learn.(成功者和失败者之间的区别是成功者将他们所学的东西付诸于实践。)
25、It is only when these measures areput into practice that the shortage of water can be solved.(只有当这些措施付诸实践时,水资源的短缺才能得到解决。)
26、The knowledge and skills are available, but they have to beput into practice.(已存在知识和技能,但必须将其付诸实践。)