1、De Zandalari give us strength. Nobodypush around de Amani no more!(呵哈哈哈哈哈!赞达拉给了我们力量。没有人敢再欺负阿曼尼了!)
2、The latest "high bypass" turbofans, such as the Rolls-Royce Trent,push around nine times more air around the core of the engine than through it.(最近的高涵道比涡轮风扇,例如罗罗的遄达发动机,推动空气通过发动机核心周围的空气相较于通过核心气量9倍。)
3、Do you throw things, kick or punch walls, break stuff? Hit someone, hurt yourself, or push and shove others around?(你是否会乱扔东西,你是否会踢打墙壁,摔打东西呢?你是否会打人,伤已,或者挤推别人呢?)
4、Who said that you need to do boring crunches and push-ups and run around the block every day?(谁说你每天要做乏味的仰卧起坐和俯卧撑以及围着大厦跑步?)
5、Don't let people push you around.(不要让人们把你推来推去。)
6、The studios fear that Apple could become the Wal-Mart of the internet-a giant with power to push them around, continually pressing prices down.(制片公司害怕苹果会成为互联网上的沃尔玛——这强有力的巨人能把它们推得团团转,并且不断的压低价钱。)
7、With the middle finger with both hands topush around the upper and lower eyelids wipe eyes 27 times.(用两手中指往返推擦左右眼睛的上下眼睑各27次。)
8、Although DOD's cyber defense activities have been around for a while, its push toward a unified approach is new.(虽然国防部赛博防御工作已经进行了一段时间,但对于如何推出一个统一方法还很陌生。)
9、It forces you to analyze and evaluate, demand, throughput, and supply. It raises issues around “push” vs. “pull” strategies.(这会强迫你分析和评估“需求、产出和供应”之间的关系,并提出关于“推动”和“拉动”两种策略的问题,提出关于团队的结构和设计的问题,提出关于如何切分和合并工作的问题,随之而来就是如何切分和合并团队的问题。)
10、As a result, the desperate person will push away the people around them, rather than drawing them in.(结果是,绝望的人会把自己身边的人推开而不是让他们加入。)
11、He is puzzled, rather than vengeful when other children snatch things from him or push him around.(当其他孩子从他手里抢东西或把他推来推去时,他感到困惑,而不是报复。)
12、WHO estimates that, each year, the costs of health carepush around 100 million people below the poverty line.(据世卫组织估计,因无力支付医疗费用,每年约有1亿人滑落到贫困线以下。)
13、No one is going to push IBM or Red Hat around regarding Linux (thank goodness or Oracle would try).(无人能就Linux的事宜去摆布IBM或者红帽(谢天谢地甲骨文可能想尝试)。)
14、My friends and I would horse around and try to push each other.(我和朋友们有时会闹着玩,互相推来搡去。)
15、We can’t avoid complexity, but we can push it around.(我们不能逃避复杂性,但是我们能把它推到一边。)
16、If you are holding onto a grudge or bitterness, Satan will be able to push you around.(如果你持有妒忌和怨恨,撒旦将不离你左右。) hAo86.com
17、This time around, however, it may be less worried that reduced competition could push up fares.(然而在这个时期,人们不那么担心减小竞争会导致旅费上涨了。)
18、A Tegra 2 chip would give the Olympus the power topush around pixels easily in any game currently available, or likely to be available in the foreseeable future.(Tegra2芯片可以轻而易举地提高Olympus像素,使其能在目前甚至在可预见的未来能提供的所有游戏中运行。)
19、Without goals, you are living reactively, letting life push you around.(没有目标,你的生活只是被动地对周围事物做出反应,你只能让生活推着你转圈。)
20、The push style is structured around handlers that create output in the output document.(推样式是由在输出文档中创建输出的处理程序构造的。)
21、Hit someone, hurt yourself, or push and shove others around?(你是否会打人,伤已,或者挤推别人呢?)
22、Similarly on the inside a mirror can help push light around your room.(同样在室内一面镜子可以把光线推送到办公室各个角落。)
23、My Dad - I sure miss him - taught me to never let anyone, or anything push me around.(我父亲——我无比怀念的父亲——教导我说,不要让任何人、任何事情控制我。)
24、You use Rigidbodies for things that the player canpush around, eg. crates or loose objects, or you can move Rigidbodies around directly by adding forces to it by scripting.(刚体用在玩家可以四处推动的东西,比如箱子或者没有固定的对象,或者,你可以直接用脚本添加力给对象来让他四处移动。)
25、Men always try on a jacket and push their arms around for room, which is so funny!(人们试穿一件夹克式总是留给胳膊很多多余的空间,这是十分滑稽的!)