
radio frequency造句

radio frequency造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 21:49:03


radio frequency造句

  • 1、BAE Systems will develop a new radar warning receiver prototype that can identifyradio frequency and communications activity in real time.(BAE系统公司将开发一种新型雷达预警接收机原型,该原型能实时识别无线电频率和通信活动。)
  • 2、The project also included an update of the interface units for the F-35radio frequency test system.The test system reflects how the system would operate under real-world conditions.(项目还将升级F-35无限频率测试系统的接口单元,该测试系统主要反映系统如何在真实环境下作战。)
  • 3、But some consumers offered ideas on how to limit exposure toradio frequency waves... which includes talking a bit less.(但是一些消费者提出限制接触无线电波的方法,其中包括少说话。)
  • 4、Consider a warehouse that's changing from a manual "print and select" method to an automatedradio frequency Identification (RFID) or wireless barcode system.(请考虑一个从手动的“打印和选择”方法更改为自动无线频率识别(RadioFrequencyIdentification,RFID)或无线条形码系统的仓库。)
  • 5、Having the antenna at the bottom means lessradio frequency waves are flooding the sensors.(将天线安置在底部意味着传感器会探测到最少的电磁波。)
  • 6、To facilitate realistic testing, the heart of real is theradio frequency attenuation network, a system designed to simulate realistic field conditions for multiple radios.(为方便实际测试,REAL实验室的核心是射频衰减网络,可模拟多个无线电的真实部署。)
  • 7、Underlying the Internet of Things are technologies such as RFID (radio frequency identification), sensors, and smartphones.(物联网背后的技术包括RFID(无线射频识别),传感器和智能手机。)
  • 8、The fridge will know that you need more milk by reading the expiration date on theradio frequency ID tag of the milk carton currently on one of its shelves.(冰箱可能通过阅读架上牛奶盒外的产品有效期,知道您需要更多牛奶。)
  • 9、Comtech's Model MT-2012 mobile satellite transceivers feature secure global positioning system (GPS) capabilities, as well as embeddedradio frequency identification (RFID) technology.(Comtech公司的典型mt-2012机动卫星无线收发器具备安全的全球定位系统(GPS)能力,也能嵌入无线射频识别(RFID)技术。)
  • 10、IEEE standard for safety levels with respect to human exposure toradio frequency electromagnetic fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz, IEEE Std C95.1, 2005.(《电机和电子工程师学会人体接触射频电磁场安全水平标准:3千赫至300千兆赫》,IEEEStdC95.1,2005年。)
  • 11、But when scientists started looking at the data overlaid onto a map, they saw dark spots of fuzz, indicatingradio frequency interference.(但当科学家们开始将这些数据分布在地图上观察时,他们发现了一些模糊的黑点,表示无线电频率的扰动。)
  • 12、Macufacturers provide that cell phones meet government standards for safe radio-frequency radiation omission.(制造商提供的手机符合政府安全的射频辐射遗漏标准。)
  • 13、Her 73 filed U.S. patents range from networking, Web, security, privacy, multimedia, wireless, pervasive devices, toradio frequency ID.(她申请的73项u.s.专利涵盖的范围从网络、Web、安全、保密、多媒体、无线、普遍设备到无线电频率ID。)
  • 14、radio frequency identification (RFID) and more sophisticated technologies for product tracking within supply chain management systems are being experimented in some countries.(一些国家目前正尝试在供应链管理系统内通过无线射频识别和更复杂的技术来追踪产品。)
  • 15、MAINGATE USES the Next Generation Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET) Waveform, which has proven to be highly effective and efficient in challengingradio frequency conditions.(MAINGATE通过使用下一代移动Ad-Hoc网络(MANET)波形,已被证明在具有挑战性的射频条件下是非常有效和高效的。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 16、As IBM noted in its press release today, RFID tags (radio frequency Identification sensors) are becoming particularly popular for the purpose of item tracking and authentication.(IBM今天在其发布会上称RFID(无线射频识别)标签在物品跟踪和识别领域的应用将越来越广泛。)
  • 17、Scientists are mostly stumped as to how theradio frequency waves emitted by cellphones, which lack the punch to break chemical bonds or disrupt DNA, might cause cancer.(科学家们主要搞不懂的是,手机所释放的无线电波,连打断化学键或扰乱dna的冲击力都没有,又怎么可能导致癌症呢?)
  • 18、Many of them were using a pea-sized speaker to receive the answers over aradio frequency.(很多人借由一个豌豆大小的耳机来通过无线电频率接收答案。)
  • 19、Part 9 of this series covered how to combine internal and externalradio frequency Identification (RFID) Web services into a composite application in the originating SOA.(本系列的第9部分讨论了如何将内部和外部射频识别(RadioFrequencyIdentification,RFID)Web服务组合为原始soa中的组合应用程序。)
  • 20、While doctors offering the treatment are singing its praises over procedures that useradio frequency and ultrasound technologies, other are sounding a note of caution.(虽然一些提供这种疗法的医生大为推崇,声称冷冻溶脂术要优于射频和超声波技术,但其他人也提出警告。)
  • 21、And similarly old crystal radio sets and more recently modernradio frequency identification (RFID) tags, increasingly used in shipping and as antitheft devices, are powered purely by radiowaves.(同样,老式晶体管收音机,以及日益普及于航运及防盗装置上的,更新式的现代无线射频识别技术(RFID),都是仅仅从无线电波中获取能量。)

radio frequency基本释义

radio frequency

英 [ˈreidiəu ˈfri:kwənsi] 美 [ˈredio ˈfrikwənsi] 
