1、So before you savetherain forest from the parasites of your parents" generation, try"delousing" the closet in your own room。(所以,如果你想消灭你父母那一辈中的"寄生虫"来拯救雨林的话,还是先去清除你房间衣柜里的虫子吧。)
2、In this part of therain forest, therefore, red and orange are the best colors for signaling, and they are the colors used in signals by the ground-walking Australian brush turkey.(因此,在雨林的这个区域,红色和橙色是最好的信号颜色,它们也是澳大利亚丛林火鸡在地面行走时发出信号的颜色。)
3、Past assessments of the Brazilianrain forest have used satellite images to tally deforested areas, where farmers and ranchers have clear-cut and burned all the trees.(对巴西雨林过去的评估已使用卫星图像来记录被砍伐的地区,那里的农民和牧场主把所有的树都砍光并烧掉了。)
4、Flying gecko the flying gecko lives in the Malaysianrain forest.(飞行壁虎飞行壁虎生活在马来西亚的雨林中。)
5、Costa Ricanrain forest, Season 1 Episode 3.(哥斯达黎加雨林,第一季第3集。)
6、The fungus, a species of Ophiocordyceps, targets carpenterants living high in Thailand'srain forest canopy.(这种真菌,属Ophiocordyceps种,以生活在泰国雨林树冠层的木蚁为目标。)
7、Walking through thisrain forest in Madagascar is like stepping into the library of life.(漫步在马达加斯加岛的这片雨林中就像是身处于一个生命图书馆。)
8、No desert, no dust. No dust, norain forest.(没有沙漠就不会再有飞尘,而没有飞尘,热带雨林也将不复存在。)
9、At the current rate of decline, many of therain forest animals could become extinct in less than 10 years.(按照目前的下降速度,许多雨林动物不到十年就会绝种。)
10、The government must take steps to protect therain forest.(政府必须采取措施保护雨林。)
11、Munk has been lugging specially designed wind tunnels into the Amazonianrain forest since 2007.(从2007年以来,蒙克就开始着手设计特殊的亚马孙雨林风洞。)
12、Most important of all, the Amazon irrigates the largest tropicalrain forest on earth.(最重要的是,亚马逊河灌溉着地球上最大的热带雨林。)
13、Great, I am doing a report on therain forest.(太好了,我正在做一个关于雨林的报告。)
14、Less colorful birds and animals that inhabit therain forest tend to rely on forms of signaling other than the visual, particularly over long distances.(热带雨林中居住的不那么鲜艳的鸟类和动物,往往依赖于视觉以外的信号形式,尤其是长距离的信号。)
15、Less colorful birds and animals that inhabit therain forest tend to rely on other forms of signaling other than the visual, particularly over long distances.(生活在雨林中、且色彩并不那么亮丽的鸟类和动物往往依赖于视觉信号以外的其他信号形式,尤其是在传递长途信号的情况下。)
16、Very little light filters through the canopy of leaves and branches in arain forest to reach ground level—or close to the ground—and at those levels the yellow-to-green wavelengths predominate.(在雨林中,很少有光透过树叶和树枝形成的树荫到达地面——或者接近地面——在这些高度上,黄色到绿色的波长占主导地位。)
17、And then the earthquake struck, and this swampyrain forest was gone.(后来,发生的那场地震让这片沼泽雨林荡然无存。) 【hao86.com好工具】
18、The piercing cries of the rhinoceros hornbill characterize the Southeast Asianrain forest, as do the unmistakable calls of the gibbons.(犀鸟刺耳的鸣叫,和长臂猿那不会被认错的叫声,象征着东南亚雨林。)
19、Unlike some environmental issues,rain forest depletion has fortunately received significant public and media attention.(与环境的一些其他问题不同,热带雨林的减少已经幸运地引起了公众与媒体的高度重视。)
20、The couple drove a truck in the tropicalrain forest.(这对夫妇开着一辆卡车进入了热带雨林。)
21、One theory behind savanna formation is that wet forest species are unable to withstand the dry season, and thus savanna, rather thanrain forest, is favored on the site.(热带草原形成的理论之一,就是湿润的森林物种无法承受旱季,因此这更有利于热带草原,而不是热带雨林的形成。)
22、In Mato Grosso, 700 square miles ofrain forest was stripped in the last five months of 2007 alone.(仅在2007年的最后5个月,马托格罗索州就失去了700平方英里的热带雨林。)
23、Travel deep into the Guyaneserain forest by canoe, as part of a trip with Wilderness Explorers.(随着荒野探险旅行社,乘独木舟旅游深入到圭亚那的热带雨林作为旅游的一部分。)