更新时间:2024-12-22 21:11:57
rein in造句
- 1、They are also hoping the court's ruling willrein in patent law, which is increasingly being used to claim new life forms as private property.(他们还希望最高法院的裁决将遏制专利法,专利法越来越多地被用来将新的生命形式划为私有财产。)
- 2、Now I had torein in my ego and remember not to get carried away by all the praise and positive press.(现在我却必须控制我的自负,牢记不要因为所有这些赞美和媒体的肯定性报道而飘飘然。)
- 3、Some kids who are low in sympathy may make up for that shorfall by experiencing more guilt, which canrein in their nastier impulses.(一些缺乏同情心的孩子可能会通过经历更多的内疚来弥补这一不足,这可以抑制他们更恶劣的冲动。)
- 4、Rio Tinto also unveiled a plan torein in costs.(力拓矿业公司也公布了开销管理计划。)
- 5、Pessimists are once again giving warning that operators mustrein in usage or face collapse.(悲观主义者又一次警告经营者们或者必须悬崖勒马,或者面对崩溃。)
- 6、Many executives must learn torein in their presumptuous, free-wheeling style.(许多管理人士必须学会控制自己专横、随心所欲的风格。)
- 7、Alan Greenspan failed to take any steps torein in the housing bubble and arguably even promoted it.(格林斯潘当时未能采取任何措施以抑制房地产泡沫,甚至有理由说,他推动了泡沫的产生。)
- 8、And finally, the drug industry has learned torein in costs.(最后一点是,制药业学会了控制成本。)
- 9、They're still constrained by funders, launch providers and a series of regulations-all of whichrein in what CubeSat developers can and cannot do.(它们仍然受到资助者、发行供应商和一系列规则的限制——所有这些都约束了CubeSat开发人员所能做和不能做的事情。)
- 10、Most of us know we shouldrein in our energy use.(大多数人都知道我们要减少能源的使用。)
- 11、These campaigns have begun torein in the epidemic.(这些活动开始对该病的流行有所控制。)
- 12、Nonetheless, at some point we'll have torein in budget deficits.(然而,将来的某一时刻,我们还是应该控制预算赤字。)
- 13、rein in your debt.(减少你的债务。)
- 14、Parents who worry that video games are bad for kids usually try torein in their game time.(担心电动游戏会对孩子产生危害的父母经常尽量控制他们的游戏时间。)
- 15、You don't have freerein in the Registry, but you do have access from a common root node for all your applications.(您虽然不能够对注册表自由控制,但您的确可以通过一个公共根节点访问所有的应用程序。)
- 16、And some countries would be happy to outvote Britain and impose rules that wouldrein in the City of London.(有的国家会很高兴投票数超过英国,实行足以控制伦敦城的规定。)
- 17、This case gives the court an opportunity torein in the growing use of patents to protect genetically engineered crops and other life forms.(这个案件给了法院一个机会来控制专利的使用,以保护基因工程作物和其他的生命形式。)
- 18、As they now reduce those loans, they willrein in their spending.(由于现在要消减债务,他们就要控制支出。)
- 19、Missing from these bills is any serious attempt torein in malpractice costs.(这些法案中没有任何严格控制渎职造成的支出的措施。)
- 20、Many people have begun looking for long-term ways torein in spending.(很多人已经开始寻找控制开支的长远方式。)
- 21、China is likely to unveil more tightening measures this year, to furtherrein in the country's real estate sector.(中国今年有可能出台更严厉的措施控制国家的房地产业。)
- 22、But my partner was more concerned with profit - he told me torein in food costs by buying cheaper fish.(但是我的合作伙伴更关注利益——他告诉我通过购买更便宜的鱼来控制食物成本。)
rein in
英 [rein in] 美 [ren ɪn]
严加控制; 严加管束