更新时间:2025-03-02 20:43:41
roll in造句
- 1、Over time that expectation will fade, and companies will have to take aroll in making talent more employable," he says.(随着时间流逝,这种期望将会逐渐消失,公司也会不得不开始训练,产生更加适合工作的人才。”他说。)
- 2、In mid-afternoon, shopkeepers began to roll down their shutters.(下午三点钟左右,店主们开始摇下百叶窗。) [hao86.com好工具]
- 3、Be careful if you're wearing earbuds! If youroll in your sleep, the cord can be a hazard.(如果你戴耳机请小心,如果你想睡觉,耳机绳将会是你的灾难。)
- 4、Let the messagesroll in.(让这些讯息涌进来吧。)
- 5、The seasons are come to a stagnant stop, the trees blench and wither, the wagonsroll in the mica ruts with slithering harplike thuds.(马车发出明晰的竖琴似的砰砰响声在云母般的车辙中滚动。)
- 6、The stress of having to constantly THINK AHEAD, making preparations, avoiding problems and ensuring there is always a toiletroll in place!(压力因必须向前看、做好准备、避免出现问题以及确保身边随时都有卫生纸而无处不在!)
- 7、The kittens were enjoying aroll in the sunshine.(那些小猫在阳光下嬉戏打滚。)
- 8、Each weekday, come rain or shine, a group of children, ages 3 to 6, walk into a forest outside Frankfurt to sing songs, build fires androll in the mud.(平日里,无论是阳光灿烂还是细雨蒙蒙,在法兰克福都会有一群3到6岁的幼儿园小孩走进郊外的一片森林,在那里唱歌、燃起篝火,或者在泥地里打滚。)
- 9、And they went in to the king into the court, but they laid up theroll in the chamber of Elishama the scribe, and told all the words in the ears of the king.(众首领进院见王,却先把书卷存在文士以利沙玛的屋内,以后将这一切话说给王听。)
- 10、It also advises diners to put a toiletroll in the freezer when they get home.(此外,该网站还建议食客在回家后放一卷手纸在冰箱里。)
- 11、Every exercise routine needs to have a steady balance between strength training, endurance training, and cardiovascular training. Today's topic, strength training, plays a hugeroll in this equation.(每次安排训练,都需注意在力量训练、耐力训练以及心血管功能训练之间,保持一个稳定的平衡,今天的话题,“力量训练”,在这个平衡当中起着举足轻重的作用。)
- 12、That helps lower the risk of heavy losses right before the tuition billsroll in, says Morningstar analyst Greg Brown.(晨星分析员格列格.布朗(GregBrown)说,这样做可以降低学费账单来临前,股市波动导致的资金风险。)
- 13、When I first meet her she's in a large tent with a production company logo on it (this is how weroll in LA).(我第一次见她时,她正在一个印有生产公司商标的大帐篷中(帐篷使我们大批人可以涌入洛杉矶)。)
- 14、He remains a towering figure in rock and roll.(他仍是摇滚乐界的一位杰出人物。)
- 15、The moral of this story being that even if you do make it out of rock 'n 'roll in one piece, what's waiting on the other side could be equally grim.(这个故事的寓意在于,即便你从摇滚音乐中全身而退,等待你的另一种结局也同样残酷。)
- 16、For your own well being we highly recommend that you immediately put your toiletroll in the freezer when you get home.(为了您自己好,我们强烈建议您一回家就放一卷手纸进冰箱。)
- 17、I live in a rented room on the fifth floor; beneath my window the tramsroll in the narrow street day and night, as if rattling headlong across my room; night-time, trams far away shriek like owls.(我住在租的房子里,五楼。在我的窗台下面,有轨电车昼夜不停地滚滚流动,好像要极速穿过我的房间,有轨电车的声音远远的传来,像猫头鹰的尖叫。)
- 18、As the cloudsroll in, a leisurely round of golf can become a terrifying dice with death—out in the open, a lone golfer may be a lightning bolt's most inviting target.(当乌云滚滚而来,一场悠闲的高尔夫球可能变成一场可怕的死亡赌博——在空旷的户外,一个孤独的高尔夫球手可能是闪电最诱人的目标。)
- 19、High wavesroll in over the beach and crash against the boardwalk at Asbury Park, New Jersey on August 31, 1954, driving these youngsters away from the rail.(1954年8月31日,巨浪席卷了新泽西州艾斯博瑞公园的沿岸沙滩,并猛烈撞击着岸边的木板人行道,年轻人们惊恐地逃离岸边破碎的护栏。)
- 20、The physical location of data centers plays a hugeroll in response times.(数据中心的物理位置对响应时间起很大作用。)
- 21、Then you just submit these apps to the various marketplaces (and hopefully watch the moneyroll in!)(然后你只要把这些应用提交到各种市场上就行了(然后就希望能看到钱滚滚而来!))
- 22、Some of the strongest tidal currents in the world race around UK shores and there's some of the highest energy in the waves thatroll in from the Atlantic.(英国海岸环绕着世界上最强的一些洋流,来自大西洋的海浪中也蕴含着极高能量。)
- 23、In 1987, he was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.(1987年他被正式授予‘摇滚名人堂’的奖项。)
- 24、The moment my light was turned off, darkness wouldroll in and my own personal light show of the universe began.(当灯光熄灭,黑暗降临,我的宇宙之光的表演便也开始了。)
- 25、A drift on a Maine lake, hisfishing line whicking through the air. Or standing at the seashore, watching the fogroll in.(缅因湖上泛舟、钓鱼,或是在海滨欣赏雾气。)
- 26、We had to stand in the snow every morning for roll call.(我们每天早上都得站在雪地里等着点名。)
roll in
英 [rəul in] 美 [rol ɪn]
滚滚而来; 大量涌来