1、New Mother Town is essentially different from the traditional Satellite Town and City Center.(新母城与卫星城、副都心有着本质差别。)
2、Through the precision statistics analysis, it identified the application range of satellite stereo image in city surveying.(通过精度统计分析,确定卫星立体影像在城市测绘方面的应用范围。)
3、Satellite remote sensing technique plays an important role during the early stage of city active fault exploration.(应用卫星遥感技术可以在城市活断层探测的初勘阶段发挥重要作用。)
4、They used a satellite photo of a suspected submerged city to find the site.(他们利用了一幅卫星影像发现了一处疑似沉没的城市。)
5、Now a 15-year-old boy has studied astronomical charts devised by these ancient Mexican people, as well as satellite photos, to pinpoint the location of a forgotten Mayan city.(现在,一个15岁的男孩通过观察由古墨西哥人绘制出来的星图,结合卫星图像,发现了一座失落的玛雅古城。)
6、The model indicates that the economic spread flux of central city tosatellite city is in proportion to the capacity of traffic passages and industrial gradient between them.(模型表明主城对卫星城市的经济扩散通量与其间交通通道的通过能力及两城市间的产业梯度呈正比。)
7、The analysis, conducted by the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York City, is based on temperatures recorded at weather stations around the world and satellite data over the oceans.(这些由纽约市戈达德空间研究所(GISS)进行的分析是以世界各地气象站的温度记录和大洋上空卫星的数据为基础的。)
8、The Soyuz rocket, launched to carry a military communications satellite into orbit, created a spectacular light show as it passed over Ekaterinburg, the biggest city in Russia's Ural Mountains.(Soyus火箭携带了一颗将被送入地球同步轨道的军用通讯卫星升空。当它掠过俄罗斯乌拉尔群山中最大的城市叶卡捷琳堡时,制造了这场盛大的表演。)
9、But as the upper echelons move into their plush digs, the rest of the city is left to wonder why there aren't enough satellite towns suited for them.(然而,随着高消费人群入住他们的豪华小区,剩下的市民就必须考虑为何没有足够的为他们设想的卫星城了。) hAo86.com
10、An iron and steel works, with several satellite factories, is being built in that city.(在那个城市正在修建一座钢铁厂和几家卫星工厂。)
11、Taking the satellite reception equipment of the front room of Yongji City, the article introduces the reception of digital satellite TV programs and checking and analyzing methods of faults.(文章结合永济市前端机房卫星接收设备,介绍了卫星数字电视节目接收和故障分析排查方法。)
12、Satellite images suggest the lost city could be among the largest built by the ancient civilisation, which thrived between 300 and 700 AD.(卫星图像显示,这座古城有可能是公元300年到公元700年间兴盛的古文明时代最大的建筑。)
13、Controlling the price of urban commercial houses in central area and acceleratingsatellite city construction are effective ways to restrain the urban commercial house price.(控制城市中心区商品房价格与加速卫星城建设是平抑城市商品房价格的有效途径。)
14、Satellite picture of the city of Mannheim.(这是曼海姆市的卫星照片。)
15、Thus the construction of thesatellite city is brought into schedule.(因此,卫星城的建设被提上议程。)
16、She, however, is in Gurgaon, a high-risesatellite city on Delhi's edge, where she works for CPA Global, a legal-outsourcing company.(但是她住在Gurgaon,德里边缘的一个新兴卫星城,在那里她为CPAGlobal一家法律外包公司工作。)
17、The team used a satellite photo of a suspected submerged city to find the site then surveyed it with a combination of deep-ground radar, digital mapping, and underwater technology.(研究小组首先利用可能是被掩埋城市的卫星影像来寻找遗址,然后综合利用探地雷达,数字地图和水下技术来进行进一步调查。)
18、The industrial function is the fundamental function ofsatellite city.(产业功能是卫星城最基本的功能。)
19、Nine out of the cities in the exit from the satellite industry in the city and the depression nobody dare to Ann star gate 9 incident to the stronghold machine night into metal.(中九从城市中退出了卫星行业在城市中也萧条了没人敢安中星9号门事件让山寨机一夜成废铁。)
20、And compare with other suburbs of central city,satellite city is undoubtedly considered as representation.(与中心城其他周边地区相比,卫星城无疑更具有代表性。)
21、Linking the position of stars and the location of a lost city and the use of satellite images on a tiny territory to identify the remains buried under dense vegetation, is quite exceptional.(将星座的位置与失落的古城联系起来,使用一小块地域的卫星图象,以鉴别掩埋在浓密植被下的遗址,这真的是让人非常意外。)
22、The answer was: by continuous, day-and-night telecommunications coverage broadcast via satellite and projected on giant video screens in each city.(答案是:通过连续的,昼夜不停的卫星通信广播录制,并且在每个城市的巨型电视屏幕上投影。)
23、Science Park, situated midway between Boston and its majorsatellite city, Cambridge, offers the Museum of Science.(位于波士顿和其主要卫星城剑桥中间的科学公园内则有科学博物馆。)
24、High-resolution satellite image provides abundant shape structure and texture information of landscape objects and it becomes important data source in field of city research.(高分辨率卫星影像包含着地表目标丰富的形状结构和纹理信息,使其成为城市研究的重要数据源。)