2、The one thing that would make us more morally grown up is moreself-discipline.(能让我们道德更快的成长是一个人的自律。)
3、Exercising at home alone requires a tremendous amount ofself-discipline.(在家独自练习需要非常强大的自我约束能力。)
4、It seems some people just have lessself-discipline than others. Why is this?(有些人的自制力似乎总是比别人差,这是为什么呢?)
5、Why we needself-discipline to be successful and happy?(为什么我们需要自我约束来达到成功和得到快乐呢?)
6、Do you haveself-discipline?(你能做到自律吗?)
7、It's up to your ownself-discipline—how much efforts you put into study.(这取决于你自己的自律程度——你在学习上投入了多少努力。)
8、self-discipline is more important now than it ever has been in your life.(此时此刻自我约束对你来说比任何时候都重要。)
9、Try to manifest at least some self-control,self-discipline and more common sense.(试着表示你至少有一些自控自律的能力及常识。)
10、It is the classics that cause askesis, orself-discipline.(正是经典使我们更加自律。)
11、self-discipline, unfashionably, is vital.(旧时的自我约束是至关重要的。)
12、I give myself breaks to reward spurts ofself-discipline.(我让自己休息一下来刺激自律性。)
13、What tips do you have for improving yourself-discipline?(你有什么提高意志力的建议吗?)
14、It takes a lot ofself-discipline to go jogging in winter.(在冬天跑步是需要很大的自律力的。)
15、At this point, "Don" t be evil "self-discipline becomes more significant."(在这种情况下,“禁止恶念”自我原则开始变得至关重要。)
16、If you struggle to resist temptation, surrounding yourself with people who possess a high degree ofself-discipline can help.(如果你在努力抵抗诱惑,交一些高度自律的朋友会对你有所帮助。)
17、What isself-discipline?(什么是自律?)
18、Quite the opposite, agile operations requires greatself-discipline.(与之截然不同的是,敏捷运维需要很好的自律。)
19、These paths all require work andself-discipline.(这些老路都需要努力工作以及自律的精神。)
20、self-discipline is like a muscle.(自律就像肌肉。)
21、He may lackself-discipline and have difficulty making decisions on his own.(他可能缺乏自律,很难自己做决定。)
22、The practice is called zi lu, or "self-discipline, " and Baidu does it well.(这样的行为称之为“自律”,其中百度做的最好。)
23、Tangible rewards can teach and encourageself-discipline and end bad behaviour.(有形的奖赏可以训练和鼓励自律,并杜绝不良习惯。)
24、Some people blame the smart phone for the tragedy, yet in fact people's weakening self-control andself-discipline are to blame.(一些人把悲剧归咎于智能手机,然而事实上,人们自制力和自律性的减弱是罪魁祸首。)
25、Everyone, according to the logic of Areopagitica, has the potential to assume the inner authority of conscience andself-discipline.(根据《论出版自由》的逻辑,每个人都有潜力承担良心和自律的内在权威。)
26、You are escalating theself-discipline.(你在升级你的自我约束。) Hao86.com
27、Why we lackself-discipline in the first place?(首先为什么我们缺乏自我约束?)
28、The reason we needself-discipline is simple.(理由很简单。)