1、Theshifty body and light footwork.(身体的闪躲与步法的轻盈。)
2、Guards can specialise. They know whichshifty characters to look out for and which policing works best in their area.(保安可以很专业,他们知道需要注意哪些细节,也知道怎样能做好自己的安保工作。)
3、It was the latter attribute that caused him to fall for the wrong woman, ashifty changeling who conned him into fronting a spice-mining scheme.(正是后者导致他爱上了一个不该爱的女人——这个心怀鬼胎的变形人在一场香料矿阴谋中把他推向前台。)
4、Small wonder, then, that theshifty car salesman has became such a stereotype.(正因如此,难怪“不值得信赖”会成为汽车经销商在人们心根深蒂固的形象。)
5、True to his enigmatic character, facts about Boba Fett remain asshifty as the sands of the Dune Sea.(神秘的角色有着神秘的身世,波巴·费特的身世像沙丘之海的沙子一样让人难以捉摸。)
6、Dud, a Vulptereen, is an unscrupulous toady, working for the equallyshifty Sebulba.(武尔普特人达德是一个不择手段的马屁精,为同样心怀鬼胎的塞布巴效力。)
7、How about the wind? Is itshifty and steady?(风怎么样?有风摆还是稳定?)
8、I was SURE he had somethingshifty hiding in that suit!(我肯定他在适合的东西缩骨藏身!)
9、It was from theshifty Quarren that they learned that the mighty Jabba was dead and that Gargan was free.(正是从这个心怀鬼胎的夸伦人口中,他们得知强大的贾巴死了,加根自由了。)
10、There's ashifty-looking man loitering around the gate; shall I call the police?(有一个模样鬼鬼祟祟的人在大门口附近徘徊,要不要我叫警察?) hao86.com
11、What ashifty arguer he is, refusing ever to give a straight answer to a straight question.(他真是一个狡猾的辩手,一直拒绝对一个直接的问题给予直截了当的回答。)
12、That guy is very suspicious, hisshifty eyes move constantly.(那个人十分可疑,瞪着贼眼左顾右盼的。)
13、He looked like ashifty underworld character.(他看起来是个鬼头鬼脑的下流社会的角色。)
14、What ashifty arguer he is, refusing ever to give a straight answer.(他真是个狡诈的辩论家,总是拒绝给出直截了当的回答。)
15、He had ashifty face and previous convictions.(他有一张不诚实的脸,而且有犯罪前科。)
16、Begin her not to know my accident, I do not know her depth,shifty-eyed do not do namely.(开始她不知我的长短,我不知她的深浅,躲躲闪闪就是搞不到一块。)
17、We got to look out for the signs - empty hangers andshifty looks.(我们得注意一切偷窃的迹象,包括店里空空的衣架和顾客诡诈的眼神。)
18、That is, until their televised debate, in which JFK looked calm and sweetly reasonable, Nixon sweaty andshifty.(在电视转播上肯尼迪看上去镇定自若、亲切可人;)
19、Papanoida has not commented on whether or not this was faulty data or a deliberate omission, which only adds to hisshifty reputation.(帕帕诺伊达没有说明这是错误的信息还是故意的疏漏。这件事仅仅再次证明了他诡诈的名声。)
20、Because my computer is second-hand, it has a variety of rathershifty programs.(因为我的计算机是二手的,它有多种方案比较缩骨。)
21、As you can see ashifty is an interesting optical illusion that you can easily learn to do.(正如你可以看到缩骨是一个有趣的光学幻觉,你可以很容易学会做。)
22、But it's no problem forshifty workers to manage this.(不过游荡着的工人来管理这个一点都没问题。)
23、Marian peered at him over the top of the evening paper; her eyes wereshifty with guilt.(玛丽安越过晚报的上方凝视着他,眼神里闪现着内疚。)
24、In an attempt to avoid lookingshifty-eyed, some liars will purposefully hold their gaze a touch too long, so that it's slightly uncomfortable.(为了避免被人看出目光闪烁,一些说谎者会故意让他们的目光停留过长时间,因而这让人有些不舒服。)
25、Gazing at the computer screen instead of the camera while you're talking will make you seemshifty.(在讲话的时候,不要只盯着显示器,而不看摄像头;否则会给对方留下捉摸不透的印象。)