
set loose造句

set loose造句

更新时间:2024-06-30 23:35:11


set loose造句

  • 1、Delegate tasks that best suit the team members, and set them loose.(为团队成员分配最适合他们的任务,并让他们自由发挥。)
  • 2、The dog mustn't beset loose.(这只狗不可以放开。)
  • 3、Such crazed banthas areset loose in the desert.(这样疯狂的班萨会被放归沙漠。)
  • 4、Her death, like Daddy's, must haveset loose contradictory feelings in Mother.(她的过世和老爸的一样,准是在母亲心中产生了矛盾的情绪。)
  • 5、Prisoners of war were allset loose.(战俘全部被释放。)
  • 6、Hand out tasks that best suit individual team members, and set them loose.(向各个团队成员分配最适合他们的任务,并让他们自由发挥。)
  • 7、Theyset loose in a traveling boat.(他们在游船上出发了。) Hao86.com
  • 8、Iset loose the bird, and it immediately flew away.(我松开那只鸟,它便立刻飞走了。)

set loose基本释义

set loose

英 [set lu:s] 美 [sɛt lus] 