1、Daytimesleepiness can be caused by sleep disorders.(日间奢睡可以是由睡眠紊乱造成的。)
2、Whensleepiness comes, get to bed.(当困意袭来,赶紧上床睡觉。)
3、Late afternoon napping can make daytimesleepiness worse if because it can interfere with nighttime sleep.(傍晚的时候打个小盹会让日间瞌睡更加严重——如果因为这会妨碍夜晚的睡眠。)
4、This is known as hypersomnia, recurrentsleepiness that makes people want to nap repeatedly, even at work.(这被称为嗜睡症,周而复始的困意让人想不时的打一会盹,即使是在工作的时候。)
5、This usually causes only minor discomfort, such as a skin rash, headache orsleepiness.(这通常只会引起轻微的不适,如皮疹、头痛或嗜睡。)
6、Reports of daytimesleepiness dropped substantially, from 49 percent to 20 percent.(日间打瞌睡的报告大幅下降,从49%降至20%。)
7、Distinguish between the feeling ofsleepiness and being tired.(要区分困倦和疲倦有不同感觉。)
8、Tidy beds encouragesleepiness Keep your bed made up. Every morning, get into a habit of making up the bed.(整齐干净的床促进睡眠,整理床铺,每天早上养成整理床铺的习惯。)
9、The medicine is already approved to fight narcolepsy andsleepiness related to shift work.(此药已经获准用于治疗因倒班产生的嗜睡和瞌睡症状。)
10、A 2008 British study found that compared to getting more nighttime sleep, a mid-day nap was the best way to cope with the mid-afternoonsleepiness.(2008年英国的一项研究发现,与获得更多的夜间睡眠相比,午间小睡是应对午后困倦的最佳方式。)
11、Their yawning seems to have nothing to do withsleepiness or boredom—quite the reverse—but it does precede a change in activity level.(他们打哈欠似乎与困倦或者无聊没有任何关系,但恰恰相反,打哈欠这一行为的确出现在了活动水平的变化之前。)
12、No serious problems thus far aside from some fatigue, lower concentration, and occasionalsleepiness.(除了感觉有一些疲劳,低血糖和略微的嗜睡外还没发生什么很严重的问题。)
13、Nevertheless, no sooner did my father take pity on my plight and let me off, than mysleepiness was off likewise.(然而,当父亲因可怜我而把我从这困境中解脱出来时,我的睡意就烟消云散了。)
14、Oxytocin is also thought to reduce stress levels, which again could lead to relaxation andsleepiness.(催产素也认为有降低压力水平的功用,这可能又引起放松和睡意。)
15、The frequent interruptions of deep sleep leads to excessive daytime fatigue andsleepiness.(这样频繁的打断睡眠会导致白天额外的疲劳和困倦。)
16、PLMD usually causes insomnia (difficulty initiating and maintaining sleep) and, more rarely, excessive daytimesleepiness.(PLMD经常会导致失眠(难以入睡和睡眠维持困难)以及白天严重嗜睡。)
17、Most experts in sleep behavior agree that there is virtually an epidemic ofsleepiness in the nation.(大多数研究睡眠行为的专家都认为,在这个国家,嗜睡实际上是一种流行病。) hao86.com
18、But so far I haven't heard of anyone trying to increase the frequency of the naps whensleepiness was overwhelming.(但目前我还没听说任何人在极度困倦的时候尝试改变小憩的频率。)
19、Some experts believesleepiness comes in cycles.(一些专家认为困意具有周期性。)
20、But for some people, excessivesleepiness actually gets in the way of daily work, childcare, and even leisure activities.(但是,对一些人来说,过分的瞌睡妨碍了日常的工作,照顾孩子,甚至连休闲活动的时间都没有了。)
21、Don't expect naturalsleepiness to occur at the right time if you're screwing with your brain chemistry.(如果你的大脑依靠化学物质的话,那么不要指望你的睡意会在合适的时间到来。)
22、In the summer, I did a quick morning run and found it helpful in shaking off anysleepiness.(夏天我会晨跑一会,这有助于甩掉困倦。)
23、Daytimesleepiness appears to be the new normal for adolescents.(白天睡觉似乎在青少年中成为了一种新的睡眠形式。)
24、Mysleepiness test is that if I couldn't read a book for more than a page or two without drifting off, I'm ready for bed.(我测试睡意的方法是:如果我不能够连续不间断地读完一本书的一两页,我就要准备去睡觉了。)
25、Problemsleepiness can also be caused by certain illnesses and medications.(睡眠问题还可能由特定的疾病和药物引起。)
26、Most people with OSA snore loudly and frequently, and they often experience fatigue and excessive daytimesleepiness.(大部分阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停患者经常大声打鼾,同时他们常常感到疲劳且白天过度嗜睡。)
27、About 77% had trouble falling asleep; others had daytimesleepiness.(大约77%的人有入睡困难的问题,而其余的则在白天打瞌睡。)
28、“In our sleep-deprived society, it's easy to overlooksleepiness, ” he said.(在我们睡眠匮乏的社会里,很容易忽视睡眠。)