
off balance造句

off balance造句

更新时间:2024-08-27 23:32:18


off balance造句

  • 1、Sometimes a design can intentionally be thrownoff balance to direct the viewer's eyes to a certain area.(有时设计者故意打破平衡以将用户的注意力引导到某个区域。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 2、As Whitney shows, these off-balance sheet numbers are an incredible three times the size of all on-balance sheet debt, totaling $2 trillion.(正如惠特尼所示,这些表外数据难以置信地达到了所有表内总负债的三倍,总计2万亿美元。)
  • 3、They knock each otheroff balance just a little bit.(她说,“他们只是一点点敲击彼此的不平衡之处。”)
  • 4、Our lightning speed knocked the enemy completelyoff balance and struck fear into its heart.(我军行动神速,致使敌军措手不及,狼狈周章。)
  • 5、Another possibility is that either the squirrel or the bat were mentallyoff balance.(另一种可能性是松鼠或者蝙蝠有精神方面的失衡。)
  • 6、Certainly bad loans at Chinese Banks and massive off-balance sheet debt in the financial sector are legitimate worries.(当然,在中资银行不良和大规模的资产负债表债务贷款的金融机构是合法的忧虑。)
  • 7、What's more, the temptation to resolve future crises using these "off-balance-sheet" methods has only got bigger.(更多的,解决未来危机的诱惑使用这种失衡的资产负债表只是在加深危机。)
  • 8、Lifting your front foot first to take a step backwards will take you slightlyoff balance for a split second and that's all your opponent will need.(首先抬起前脚往后迈一步,这会让你瞬间失去平衡,这正是你的对手所需要的。)
  • 9、When we experience extreme emotions it can put usoff balance and lead to some unintended behavior and consequences.(极端的情绪会使我们内心失去平衡并且导致一些无意识的行为和结果。)
  • 10、Mozart keeps the listener continuously off-balance; he is an imp and trickster, the patron saint of practical jokes, as it were.(他就像顽皮的孩子和魔术师,一个搞恶作剧的天才一样,莫扎特可以让听众时时遭遇意外之喜。)
  • 11、Tell your child not to lean on the handrail. This can slow down the escalator and may throw other peopleoff balance.(告诉孩子不要倚靠扶梯扶手,这样会拖慢其速度,还会导致其他人失去平衡站不稳。)
  • 12、A gust of wind knocked himoff balance and he fell face down in the mud.(一阵大风吹得他失去了平衡,脸朝下摔在了泥里。)
  • 13、Mullins knocked me off-balance with his abrupt change of subject.(马林斯突然改变话题让我大为吃惊。)
  • 14、He yelled out and tried to pull away. The claws pulled back, hard and sharp, digging into his flesh and forcing himoff balance.(他痛得喊了起来,努力想把手抽出来,但那爪子使劲向后扯,扎进他的肉里,迫使他失去平衡。)
  • 15、And keeping the powers of the Eurasian world islandoff balance is precisely what the Great Game has always been about.(而维持欧亚大陆这一世界岛的权力平衡,恰恰正是大博弈始终的焦点所在。)
  • 16、You may be feeling clumsy and off-balance these days.(这些日子里,你可能感觉很笨拙,没有平衡感。)
  • 17、He tried to use his own weight to push his attacker off but he wasoff balance.(他试图利用自己的重量推开袭击者,但他失去了平衡。)
  • 18、Even those Banks that are in good shape may want to hold back amid uncertainty over capital-adequacy requirements and accounting rules for off-balance-sheet assets.(即使是那些运营练好的银行,也希望能够控制好资本充足需求和会计规则之间的不确定性,以管好资产负债表之外的资产。)
  • 19、He, braced for a fight, is thrownoff balance, and suddenly you feel less threatened, safer in who you are and where you stand.(他,准备接受战斗,失去了平衡,并且你突然觉得没那么受到威胁了,因为你是谁或者你站的位置而变得更加安全。)
  • 20、His body tilts at the waist; he seems to be heading into a strong, steady wind that keeps himoff balance.(他的身体从腰部开始前倾,看上去就像是顶着一股强劲的吹个不停的风迈步向前,风似乎要把他刮倒。)
  • 21、Even thought they've definitely attempted to arrange the content and enhance the visual readability through ICONS, the end result is still quiteoff balance.(即使他们肯定的已经试图对内容排版,还通过图标增强视觉可读性,最终结果仍然是相当失衡。)
  • 22、The sledge shot forward, knocking meoff balance.(雪橇终于向前冲了出去,几乎把我撞得失去平衡。)
  • 23、That number more than quintupled because Fannie got to recognize the income from all the mortgages that it previously heldoff balance sheet.(该数字增长超过四倍,是因为房利美确认了过去所有表外抵押贷款的收益。)
  • 24、For the first time, Basel III will also be introducing a new, internationally applied, leverage ratio requirement that includes firms'off balance sheet commitments and exposures.(这是第一次,巴塞尔iii将引进一个新的国际通用的杠杆率要求,包括金融机构资产负债表外的义务和风险暴露。)
  • 25、I was thrownoff balance by the sudden gust of wind.(突如其来的一阵风差点儿把我吹倒。)
  • 26、The senator was clearly caughtoff balance by the unexpected question.(参议员显然因这意想不到的问题而不知所措。)

off balance基本释义

off balance

英 [ɔf ˈbæləns] 美 [ɔf ˈbæləns] 
不平衡; 不稳; 无准备地