
更新时间:2024-08-27 23:32:13



  • 1、Finally, the effect of the different flow performances on developing anoilfield is analyzed.(最后分析出不同渗流运动形态对油田开发过程的影响。)
  • 2、Now Zhongyuanoilfield is no what she was five years ago.(现在中原油田已不是五年前的样子了。)
  • 3、A broken pipe connected to anoilfield may continue leaking until it is fixed.(但一根连接油田的输油管道一旦破裂,则泄漏就是源源不断,直至把漏洞堵上。)
  • 4、But perhaps they are missing the forest for the trees (or the mine for the ore and theoilfield for the barrel, as it were).(但是,有可能他们是捡了芝麻丢了西瓜(因为一块矿石丢掉整座矿山,因为一个油桶丢掉整个油田,他们一贯如此)。)
  • 5、Repsol YPF said on Tuesday it had shut down the massive el Shararaoilfield, with around 250, 000 barrels a day of production.(雷普·索尔yPF周二表示,它已关闭了日产量约25万桶的沙拉拉(ElSharara)大型油田。)
  • 6、The paint is fresh on new drilling RIGS. Housing and canteens are being built close to theoilfield, along with a football pitch.(新钻井平台的油漆还没有干透,住房和食堂同一块足球场一起正在临近油田的地方建设。)
  • 7、Digitaloilfield is a very new topic.(数字油田研究是一个新课题。)
  • 8、The crushing rate index ofoilfield fracturing proppant is one index of key technique.(油田压裂支撑剂(陶粒)的破碎率指标是关键技术指标。)
  • 9、An example for calculation of Qingzujioilfield shows great useful value of the increase curve.(庆祖集油田的计算实例表明这种增长曲线实际应用的重大价值。)
  • 10、The Kashaganoilfield in the Caspian Sea, one of the biggest discoveries in decades, was due to enter production in 2005.(里海的卡沙干油田是过去数十年间发现的最大的油田,当时预计在2005年投入生产。)
  • 11、The exact forecast for oil output can guide the production and management in theoilfield.(油田原油产量的准确预测可以对油田的生产管理进行合理的指导。) hAo86.com
  • 12、We all know about the great changes taking place in Zhongyuanoilfield.(我们都了解中原油田正在发生的巨大变化。)
  • 13、This unit group includesoilfield consultants who may be self-employed.(本单元组包括可以自主经营的油田顾问。)
  • 14、The king of theoilfield is the driller.(油田的主角是钻井工。)
  • 15、There are, though, disadvantages to having to work in anoilfield.(当然,在油田里使用蒸汽也有许多弊端。)
  • 16、How far is the refinery leaving youroilfield?(炼油厂距离你们油田有多远?)
  • 17、Zhongyuanoilfield is manyoilfield.(中原油田是个大油田。)
  • 18、CNPC is providing services for Iraq's biggestoilfield, in conjunction with BP and an Iraqi group.(如今CNPC与英国石油(BP)和一个伊拉克集团合作,为伊拉克最大油田提供服务。)
  • 19、Among the first to suffer the consequences of all this areoilfield-services firms.(所有这些造成的后果最先受害的是油田服务企业。)
  • 20、That contract covers the Rumailaoilfield, Iraq's second largest.(该合同包括了伊拉克第二大的鲁迈拉油田。)
  • 21、China's second largestoilfield.(中国第二大油田。)
  • 22、Drilling will continue on the site to assess the dimensions of the newoilfield.(钻探还将继续在现场进行以估测新油田的大小。)
  • 23、An example for calculation of Ichicklickoilfield shows great useful value of the increase curve.(依奇克里克油田的计算实例表明。这种增长曲线在实际应用中具有重大价值。)



英 [ˈɔɪlfi:ld] 美 [ˈɔɪlfiːld] 
