1、It is anomnipresent part of life.(它是生活的一个无所不在的部分。)
2、Cobra: The intention was to show the Cabal they are notomnipresent and omnipowerful any longer on this planet.(目的是让阴谋集团知道,他们在这个星球上是无所不在的,是无所不能的。)
3、Which is to say, a field ofomnipresent, inhuman intelligence that conspires impishly against him.(也就是说,一种无所不在的非人性智力的领域顽皮地共同与他作对。)
4、The direct impression of Mayan civilization is that Godomnipresent.(玛雅文明给人最直观的印象就是其无所不在的神祗。)
5、English is permanent because it came to reign amidst print, widespread literacy, and eventually anomnipresent media.(英语会永久为世界语言,因为其在印刷业、广泛的文学作品以及无所不在的媒体中占据着支配地位。)
6、The sound of sirens was anomnipresent background noise in New York.(在纽约,警报声是无处不在的背景噪音。)
7、The smiling face of Santa Claus isomnipresent all across China.(圣诞老人的笑脸在全国各地随处可见。)
8、Changes areomnipresent, constant, and inevitable in every aspect of our life.(在我们的生活中的各个方面,变化是无处不在、始终如一且不可避免的。)
9、We live with a value system that I call the Extrovert Ideal—theomnipresent belief that the ideal self is gregarious, and comfortable in the spotlight.(我们生活在一个我称之为“外向理想型”的价值体系中——一个无处不在的信念,即理想的自我是善于交际的,在聚光灯下感到舒适的。)
10、omnipresent search center for email, calendar, the Web, and your desktop.(快速搜索邮件、日程、Web和桌面。)
11、omnipresent broadband access is almost here.(无处不在的宽带接入即将来临了。)
12、God isomnipresent.(神是无所不在的。)
13、The obsessive thoughts became soomnipresent that her memory was affected.(这些强迫性念头变得无时不在,以至影响到了她的记忆。)
14、There is only one God, he isomnipresent.(只有一上帝,他无所不在。)
15、It isomnipresent, day or night, and is "re-emitted" by every star in our universe naturally including our sun.(它无论白天还是黑夜,都是无所不在,在我们的宇宙中被每颗恒星“再次散发”,包括我们的太阳。)
16、LIKE a deity, radio spectrum is invisible,omnipresent and commands awesome power.(无线电波像神明一样,无法看到而又无处不在,并拥有让世人敬畏的力量。)
17、Pervasive digitalization of the approaching future promises clearer, faster, and moreomnipresent mirrors.(不远的将来,普及的数字化必将为我们提供更清晰、更快捷、更无所不在的镜子。)
18、These days the media areomnipresent.(现在新闻媒体无处不在。)
19、Basically, this sort of people neglects theomnipresent divinity.(从根本上说,这类人忽视了无所不在的神性。) haO86.com
20、And the other nice thing about supernatural agents is that they are often omniscient andomnipresent.(超自然代表的好处是,它们往往是无所不知,无所不在的。)
21、That you ARE because He is, that if He isomnipresent He must be in you.(如果他是无所不在的,那么他一定也在你的里面。)
22、I think there are advantages to viewing grief asomnipresent, an inescapable part of being a human being.(我认为,将悲伤看作生命中无处不在、不可避免的一部分,是件好事。)
23、But critics worry that it could, in the end, just be digging the onceomnipresent retailer a deeper grave.(但批评人士担心此举可能最终只是给这家曾经无处不在的零售商挖了一个更深的坟墓。)
24、The role is really supposed to be omnipotent andomnipresent.(这个角色无处不在,无所不能。)
25、I stood there feeling gratitude and reverence to theomnipresent divinity.(我站在那里,对无所不在的神明,我感激并敬畏。)
26、AW: Yes, into anomnipresent mesh.(是的,进入一张无所不在的网。)
27、As the identity of son, I will perceive theomnipresent mother love with my whole heart.(作为人子,我将以我的完整的心灵,感受无所不在的母爱。)