6、In a globalize era, each artist has his or her own answer to this never-obsolescent subject in creative way.(在全球化时代,每一位艺术家都对“人与自然”这一亘古常新的命题做出独具匠心的解答。)
7、Only depending on theobsolescent model in football school to cultivate the talents cannot catch the speedy development of the football industries.(仅靠陈旧的足球学校模式来培养人才已经跟不上足球产业的飞速发展。)
8、Anobsolescent row of horse stalls lined the back of yard.(他们家后院有一排快要不用的马厩。)
9、This would probably result in us flexing our purchasing power muscle and ceasing to import rapidlyobsolescent, non-recyclable products associated with substantial green house gas emissions.(这或许会导致我们伸缩我们的购买能力,迅速停止进口那些与大量温室气体排放相连的被淘汰的不可循环使用的产品。)